About the Event

The Aspen Institute Romania – Chișinău Office, in collaboration with the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) and Watchdog Moldova, is organizing the first roundtable within the project ” Defining and countering anti-Western narratives in the Republic of Moldova”. This initiative, co-funded by the European Union and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, is a crucial effort to understand and counteract false narratives that influence public opinion in the context of the 2024 elections. The event will provide an in-depth analysis of the results of a survey conducted in September 2024, offering a platform for debating the effects and sources of anti-Western disinformation in the Republic of Moldova and the broader region.

The roundtable will bring together experts, opinion leaders, civil society representatives, and officials to discuss not only the data collected from a national-level analysis but also its implications for Moldova’s social cohesion and democratic stability. Additionally, the discussions will address approaches to combating false narratives and strategies for informing and educating the public.

In a context marked by intensified disinformation campaigns and heightened polarization of Moldovan society, analyzing and discussing fake news and its dissemination channels is essential for identifying the harmful effects of anti-Western narratives on public trust in democratic institutions. The event will provide a valuable opportunity to assess the impact of disinformation on perceptions of the European Union and contribute to developing effective solutions to strengthen societal resilience against toxic propaganda. This initiative aims to deliver both an in-depth, data-driven analysis and proactive measures for educating citizens and promoting constructive, fact-based dialogue in the lead-up to the upcoming elections.

Event Format
A roundtable by invitation only, held under the Chatham House Rule, in Romanian.



  13:30 – 14:00    Sosirea participanţilor & Welcome coffee 14:00 – 14:10    Introducere

Mirela Apostol, Manageră Programe și Evenimente Publice, Institutul Aspen România

Natalia Stercul, Directoare Executivă, Asociația pentru Politică Externă (APE)

Valeriu Pașa, Director Executiv, WatchDog Moldova

14:10 – 15:00    Prezentare & Intervenţii 

Tatiana Cojocari, Expertă pe politica externă a Federației Ruse, WatchDog Moldova

Ana Revenco, Directoare, Centrul pentru comunicare strategică și combaterea dezinformării

Taisia Haritonova, Manageră pentru proiecte de cercetare a opiniei publice și integritate informațională, Institutul Național Democratic pentru Relații Internaționale (NDI)

15:00 – 16:15    Discuţie masă rotundă 16:15 – 16:30    Concluzii Moderator: Stella Jemna, Manageră, Biroul de la Chișinău al Institutului Aspen România, Reprezentantă de țară, Ukraine – Moldova American Enterprise Fund