Engage with the Aspen Institute Romania


Members of the Aspen Institute Romania are individuals and companies who are committed to pursuing the Aspen values through their direct personal participation and financial support. Aspen members are bound to respect the integrity and impartiality criteria stemming from the Institute’s values and mission.

Private companies and individuals with an excellent public and professional reputation that share the Aspen ideals and goals related to an inclusive, non-partisan dialogue for a good society, are welcome to apply for membership. Prospective members must have recommendations from at least two already AIR members (inquiries on the matter can be addressed to us for further guidance), the package is afterwards sent to the Board for approval, membership being completed once received approval in the General Assembly.

Annual membership fees at Aspen Institute Romania depend on the type of membership:

  • Corporate membership (corporations and their representatives): €15,000
  • Enterprise membership: €10,000
  • Business membership (for companies with an annual turnover of up to €20 million): €5,000
  • Personal private sector: €2,500

All members of Aspen Institute Romania are eligible to participate in seminars & policy programs and are associated with the activities of the Institute (Leadership, Public Policy, Public Programs, Aspen International Network). Members can recommend other members of the organization for these programs, initiate and participate in the governance structures of existing programs or of newly created ones. As far as dedication time is concerned, it depends entirely on personal preference – there are individuals and organizations interested in a single program or those who are interested in virtually everything we do (often through different individuals from the member organization). We have members who are not Romanian citizens and also members who are not residents in Romania.

If you are interested in joining the Aspen Institute Romania or contributing to our activities, please contact [email protected]