Aspen Leadership Awards and Gala Dinner 2024
On December 20, 2024, Aspen Institute Romania hosted the 14th edition of the ASPEN LEADERSHIP AWARDS AND GALA DINNER, the most special annual event of the Aspen community, marking 18 years of existence of the Institute and of our common quest for a “Good Society”. Already a treasured tradition, the Aspen Leadership Awards and Gala […]
Aspen Public Service Leadership Program in the Republic of Moldova
We were glad to successfully launch the first edition of the Aspen Public Service Leadership Program in the Republic of Moldova, organized between November 13 – 15. The first module of the program, the Aspen Seminar ”Leadership & Resilience”, was organized close to Chișinău, and challenged the approximately 25 participants to an insightful dialogue on […]
Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum 2024
A flagship public diplomacy event where global leaders engage with the Black Sea area and beyond, the Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum bridges Trans-Atlantic conversations and creates a process of reflection on the region and its impact within the international agendas. Photo Gallery: Day 1 & Day 2 YouTube Livestreaming of the event: Day 1 & Day […]
Aspen New Economy & Society Custom Leadership Seminar, October 9 – 12, 2024
What is the good we are seeking, and how do economic policies and financial instruments facilitate or hinder the strengthening of a prosperous and just society? The seminar is developed in partnership with the Aspen Institute US – Executive Leadership Seminars, organized under the framework of the Aspen New Economy & Society Program. The Seminar will […]
Definirea și combaterea narațiunilor anti-occidentale în Republica Moldova
Despre eveniment Institutul Aspen România – Biroul de la Chișinău împreună cu Asociația pentru Politică Externă APE și Watchdog Moldova organizează prima masă rotundă din cadrul proiectului „Definirea și combaterea narațiunilor anti-occidentale în Republica Moldova”, co-finanțat de Comisia Europeană și German Marshall Fund of the United States, un demers crucial pentru înțelegerea și contracararea […]
Aspen Healthcare Summit 2024
Organized by: Aspen Institute Romania 2024 Edition Program Partners: Roche, Alliance Healthcare, Sanofi, Astra Zeneca, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Bristol Myers Squibb, AbbVie, Medtronic, Novartis Aspen Healthcare Summit 2024 Supporter: F.M. Medident Institutional Partners: Ministry of Health, National Health Insurance House, National Institute of Health Services Management Knowledge Partner: Renașterea Foundation Media Partner: DC […]
Generative AI și Securitatea Cibernetică: Oportunități și Provocări pentru România
Despre eveniment Masa rotundă, a doua din seria conversațiilor organizate de Institutul Aspen România sub egida programului Aspen Technology & Society pe tema Potențialului Inteligenței Artificiale pentru România, încearcă să răspundă unui context caracterizat de avansul rapid al tehnologiilor de inteligență artificială, inclusiv Generative AI, și de provocările crescânde în domeniul securității cibernetice la […]
Future-Proofing the New Economy: Business Insights for Shaping Policy on Emerging Technologies and Regulations
About the Event As technology reshapes the New Economy, businesses play a crucial role in guiding policymakers to ensure regulations foster innovation while protecting societal interests. This roundtable, organized by Aspen Institute Romania under the aegis of the Aspen New Economy & Society Program, aims to provide a platform for decision-makers and business leaders […]
Aspen Young Leaders Program 2024, Module 3, September 16 – 21, 2024
This module will engage the participants in various activities aimed at offering them a broader understanding of their role as leaders in society and a higher awareness of societal problems, providing analytical and practical tools for leading change and enhancing their leadership skills and community involvement. Throughout the week, the participants will partake in a […]
Aspen Junior Seminar, 11-14 septembrie 2024
Cea de-a 14-a ediție a Aspen Junior Seminar, organizat de Institutul Aspen România în parteneriat cu Universitatea Națională de Știință și Tehnologie POLITEHNICA București, va avea loc în format fizic, în București, în perioada 11 – 14 septembrie 2024. Seminarul se va desfășura în limba română și va reuni aproximativ 20 de tineri cu vârsta […]
Aspen Community Summer Get-Together | July 18, 2024
On July 18, the Aspen Community reconnected during a memorable Summer Get-Together that gathered over 50 Fellows and Alumni from a varied range of Aspen Leadership Programs. Open to all Aspen Institute Romania Fellows and Alumni, the event took place in the picturesque setting of Herăstrău Lake and provided an opportunity for connection and networking. […]
Aspen Watch Event: NATO Public Forum 2024
Aspen Institute Romania is the exclusive institutional partner for Romania of the 2024 NATO Public Forum, the public event taking place on the margins of the 2024 NATO Summit in Washington DC, on 10 – 11 July 2024. The NATO Public Forum, organized by NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, the Atlantic Council of the United States, […]
Apărarea României – Poziționare în Strategia Europeană și Tendințele Trans-Atlantice
Institutul Aspen România a organizat o dezbatere pe tema Apărarea României – Poziționare în Strategia Europeană și Tendințele Trans-Atlantice, în data de marți, 2 iulie, la București. Evenimentul a avut loc sub egida Programului Aspen National Defence and Regional Security Program, al cărui obiectiv principal este să contribuie la poziționarea strategiilor de apărare și de dezvoltare a […]
Potențialul AI pentru România
Despre eveniment Masa rotundă organizată de Institutul Aspen România sub egida programului Aspen Technology & Society a propus spre dezbatere principalele provocări și oportunități generate de transformarea digitală și folosirea AI în contextul actual al României. Într-un mediu în continuă schimbare, în care tehnologiile digitale influențează tot mai mult fiecare aspect al vieții noastre, este esențial să […]
Aspen Young Leaders Program 2024, Module 2, June 17 – 22, 2024
The second module of the 2024 edition of the took place between 17 and 22 of June, in the breathtaking landscapes of the Danube Delta, leaving this year’s generation of young leaders with lessons and memories for a lifetime. During an entire week of text-based Socratic debates, outdoor challenges, exercises of group dynamics, exploration of […]
Programul de Inovație în Sănătate – Direcții și modele de bună practică
Despre eveniment Masa rotundă va fi organizată de Institutul Aspen România, sub egida programului Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life. Accesul timpuriu la cele mai noi terapii inovatoare este esenţial pentru tratamentul pacienţilor, dar în acelaşi timp oferă o oportunitatea de a reduce costurile viitoare cu asistența medicală. În prezent, România se situează pe […]
Socrates Seminar Moldova, June 10-12, 2024
The 2024 edition of the Socrates Seminar Moldova is a Leadership Seminar, conducted in English, organized by the Aspen Institute Romania, in partnership with the Aspen Institute U.S. Socrates Program, supported by the Foreign Policy Association of the Republic of Moldova. Supporting Moldova Increase its Societal and Democratic Resilience The Seminar was organized in Chișinău. Powered […]
O economie la standarde OCDE: Politici naționale pentru creștere incluzivă și sustenabilă
Despre eveniment Pentru o economie competitivă și durabilă, România are nevoie de mai mult decât doar ajustări graduale de politici. Institutul Aspen România organizează această masă rotundă, sub egida programului Aspen New Economy & Society, pentru a dezbate asupra alinierii politicilor naționale la standardele OCDE pentru a aborda disparitățile de bază în aspectele economice și […]
NATO Youth Summit
About the event Immerse yourself in the dynamic energy of the 2024 NATO Youth Summit, a collaborative effort between NATO, The Aspen Institute, Aspen Institute Romania, the Swedish Defence University and the Swedish Civil Contingency Agency. Taking place across the Atlantic in Miami, Florida (US) and Stockholm (Sweden) with watch parties around the world, this […]
Aspen Seminar for Leaders 2024
The 2024 edition of the Aspen Seminar for Leaders commenced in a picturesque location near Brașov, Romania, drawing to a close on May 12. Over the course of this enriching event, 25 senior leaders from Romania, Germany, Italy, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, and the Czech Republic embarked on a profound journey of reflection and […]
Custom Healthcare Seminar, April 25 – 27, 2024
An international seminar, organized under the framework of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program. The seminar was conducted in English and took place at Casa Comana Resort, a picturesque location in Giurgiu County, close to Bucharest. The program began on Thursday afternoon and has concluded on Saturday afternoon, following a closing lunch. The […]
Aspen Young Leaders Program 2024, Module 1, April 15 – 20, 2024
The Aspen Seminar – Defining “The Good Society” The first module of the 17th edition of the fellowship-based Aspen Young Leaders Program was organized between April 15 to 20, 2024, in Sâmbăta de Sus, Brașov County, Romania. Module 1 is a 6-day seminar which follows the lines of the classic Aspen Seminar, in which participants […]
Soluții financiare inovatoare pentru echitate socială: De la incluziune financiară către schimbare sistemică
Despre eveniment Pentru a obţine o societate cu adevărat echitabilă, este nevoie de mai mult decât extinderea accesului la sistemele financiare existente. Institutul Aspen România, sub egida programului de politici publice Aspen New Economy & Society, a organizat această masă rotundă pentru a dezbate soluții financiare inovatoare care pot aborda în mod direct cauzele […]
Transatlantic Socrates Seminar, March 18-20, 2024, Brussels
The 2024 edition of the Transatlantic Socrates Seminar is an international Leadership Seminar, conducted in English, developed by Aspen Institute Romania (AIR) in partnership with the Aspen Institute Socrates Program, supported by the Bucharest Office of the German Marshall Fund of the US. Redefining the Future European & Global Architectures in a Multipolar World The […]
Metaverse Potential for Romania
Aspen Institute Romania (AIR), benefitting from the institutional partnership of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, with the generous support of Meta, has carried out since September 2023 the project on the Metaverse Potential for Romania. The project was designed to delve into the potential impact of the Metaverse on Romania and its economy […]
The Future of Work: Implications for Equity and Growth in Romania and Europe
The event was organized by the World Bank in partnership with the Polytechnica University of Bucharest and Aspen Institute Romania. Technology is a potent driver of productivity and economic growth and is also reshaping Europe’s labor landscape. A World Bank report launched in Brussels late last year, “The Future of Work: Implications for Equity and […]
Potențialul Metaversului în România
Institutul Aspen România (IAR), cu sprijinul Meta, a organizat o serie de trei mese rotunde pentru a explora impactul potenţial al metaversului asupra României şi economiei sale. În cadrul meselor rotunde, au fost abordate aspectele economice, legale şi etice ale metaversului, precum și modul în care România se poate poziționa ca lider în aceste tehnologii […]
Aspen Leadership Awards and Gala Dinner 2023
On December 8, 2023, Aspen Institute Romania hosted the 13th edition of the ASPEN LEADERSHIP AWARDS AND GALA DINNER, the most special annual event of the Aspen community, marking 17 years of existence of the Institute and of our common quest for a “Good Society”. Already a treasured tradition, the Aspen Leadership Awards and Gala […]
Potenţialul Metaversului în România
Institutul Aspen România (IAR), cu sprijinul Meta, organizează o serie de trei mese rotunde pentru a explora impactul potențial al metaversului asupra României și economiei sale. În cadrul meselor rotunde, sunt abordate aspectele economice, legale şi etice ale metaversului, precum și modul în care România se poate poziționa ca lider în aceste tehnologii emergente. […]
Managementul operaţional şi medical al spitalelor | Workshop al Programului Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life
Despre Workshop Masa rotundă va fi organizată de Institutul Aspen România, sub egida Programului Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life. O reformă cheie a sistemului de sănătate este schimbarea paradigmei de la un sistem centrat pe spitale către servicii medicale ambulatorii. Cu toate acestea, marile centre spitaliceşti vor rămâne esențiale în a oferi acces continuu și universal la […]
Aspen-GMF Bucharest Forum 2023
The 12th edition of the Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum, organized by the Aspen Institute Romania and the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), will take place on 9 – 10 November 2023, in Bucharest. A flagship public diplomacy and strategic convening in the Black Sea region, the Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum […]
Aspen Healthcare Summit 2023
Organized by: Aspen Institute Romania 2023 Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program Partners: Roche, Alliance Healthcare, Pfizer, Sanofi, Astra Zeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck Sharp & Dohme, AbbVie, Medtronic Aspen Healthcare Summit 2023 Sponsors: Arensia Exploratory Medicine, F.M. Medident Institutional Partners: Ministry of Health, National Health Insurance House, National Institute for Infectious Diseases “Prof. […]
Aspen Dialogue: Vision, Innovation, and Transformation in Healthcare Systems
The event was organized by the Aspen Institute Romania (AIR), under the aegis of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program and the Aspen Dialogues Series. The Dialogue was followed by a Networking Dinner on the occasion of Aspen Healthcare Summit 2023, AIR’s main public event of the of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality […]
Oportunități pentru finanțarea investițiilor administrațiilor publice locale
Evenimentul va fi organizat în format masa rotundă de Institutul Aspen România, sub egida programului Aspen New Economy & Society. Evenimentul pornește de la nevoia de a îmbunătăți capacitatea autorităților publice locale de a finanța/cofinanța proiecte din fonduri europene, în condițiile resurselor financiare proprii limitate. O astfel de dezbatere este esențială în momentul de față deoarece […]
Potenţialul Metaversului în România
Institutul Aspen România (IAR), cu sprijinul Meta, organizează o serie de trei mese rotunde pentru a explora impactul potențial al metaversului asupra României și economiei sale. Tehnologiile imersive precum realitatea augmentată (AR), realitatea virtuală (VR) și realitatea mixtă (MR) au un impact considerabil asupra multor aspecte ale vieții noastre şi sectoare economice. Aceste tehnologii, adesea […]
CULTURE – A Catalyst For Societal Growth And Spiritual Wellbeing
The event will be organized by the Aspen Institute Romania, under the aegis of the Aspen Arts & Society Program and the Aspen Dialogues Series, and under the umbrella of the George Enescu International Festival. The event aims to contribute to the conversation around culture as catalyst for societal growth and spiritual wellbeing. The event […]
NATO: helping Moldova reach its European future
The event was organized at Mediacor Hub of the Moldova State University, by the NATO Liaison Office in the Republic of Moldova , in partnership with the Aspen Institute Romania and the Foreign Policy Association. During the interactive dialogue the participants debated ways in which NATO can support Moldova reach its European future. Mr. […]
Aspen Junior Seminar 2023 la Timișoara
Ne bucurăm să anunțăm lansarea primei ediții a Aspen Junior Seminar organizate la Timișoara! Seminarul a avut loc în perioada 23 – 25 august 2023 și a reunit aproximativ 20 de tineri activi în mediul profesional, academic sau de voluntariat, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 20 și 24 de ani. Sunt eligibili tinerii din toate regiunile […]
NATO Public Forum
On the 11-12 July, NATO Public Forum, the public event organised during the NATO Summit 2023 will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania. The Aspen Institute Romania is an institutional partner for the event which is co-organised by NATO, the Eastern Europe Studies Centre, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, the Munich Security […]
Aspen Watch Event: NATO Public Forum
Aspen Institute Romania, as an Institutional Partner of the NATO Public Forum, organized on Tuesday, 11 July, a special morning coffee Aspen Watch Event, in Bucharest, which consisted in the exclusive livestreaming in Romania of the NATO Public Forum together with a roundtable discussion. The NATO Public Forum is the major public diplomacy event organized […]
Aspen Dialogue – Viziune, Inovare şi Transformare
Inovarea şi adoptarea noilor tehnologii reprezintă cheia creşterii productivității şi a prosperității. România este încă în urma altor țări din regiunea Europei Centrale şi de Sud-Est din punct de vedere al inovării, conform European Innovation Scoreboard 2022, iar accesul la capital, în special la capitalul de risc, ramâne scăzut. Cu toate acestea, ecosistemul de inovare […]
Aspen Energy Summit 2023
Organized by: Aspen Institute Romania International Partner: Aspen Institute Energy and Environment Program Main Sponsors: OMV Petrom, E.ON, Hidroelectrica, Premier Energy Sponsors: E-infra, Electrica Furnizare, Wiren, Romgaz Media Partners: Leo Media Consulting, DC Media Group, CursDeGuvernare, Energy Industry Review Institutional Partner: The Joint commission of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate for the relationship with UNESCO, Parliament of […]
Transatlantic Socrates Seminar, June 12-14, 2023, Brussels
An international Leadership Seminar, conducted in English, developed by Aspen Institute Romania (AIR) in partnership with the Aspen Institute Socrates Program, supported by the Bucharest Office of the German Marshall Fund of the US. The Future European and Global Architectures: The Nexus between Resilience, Security & Innovation The Seminar was organized in Brussels in cooperation with NATO and […]
Rising Europe – A New Center of Gravity: A Fresh Outlook on Southeastern, Central and Eastern Europe
Organized by: Aspen Institute Romania Main Partners: Aerostar, Alliance Healthcare, Google Knowledge Partner: Kearney International Partners: Aspen Institute Kyiv, Aspen Institute Central Europe Supporting organizations: Economist Impact Events, AmCham Media Partners: Emerging Europe Institutional Partner: Committee for Budget, Finance and Banks, Chamber of Deputies of Romania Aspen Institute Romania will organize the roundtable conference „Rising Europe […]
Aspen New Economy & Society Custom Leadership Seminar, May 17 – 20, 2023
What is the good we are seeking, and how do economic policies and financial instruments facilitate or hinder the strengthening of a prosperous and just society? A seminar developed in partnership with the Aspen Institute US – Executive Leadership Seminars, organized under the framework of the Aspen New Economy & Society Program. The Seminar was […]
Custom Healthcare Socrates Seminar, May 11-13, 2023
An international seminar developed in partnership with the Aspen Institute Socrates Program, organized under the framework of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program, debating the resilience of healthcare systems and key challenges in public health. The seminar was conducted in English and took place in a picturesque location in Giurgiu County, close to Bucharest. The […]
Shifting the Paradigm Towards Prevention-Based Healthcare
About the Workshop The workshop, organized under the aegis of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life, focused on prevention as the main priority of the healthcare system. Discussions analyzed the main benefits prevention brings in terms of life expectancy and quality of life as well as the significant decrease in costs provided by […]
Aspen Young Leaders Program 2023, Module 1, April 24 – 29, 2023
The Aspen Seminar – Defining “The Good Society” The first module of the 16th edition of the fellowship-based Aspen Young Leaders Program was organized between April 24 to 29, 2023, in Sâmbăta de Sus, Brașov County, Romania. Module 1 is a 6-day seminar which follows the lines of the classic Aspen Seminar, in which participants […]
Vulnerabilități, riscuri şi dezechilibre în economia globală în 2023 – Soluţii pentru România
Despre Eveniment Masa rotundă a fost organizată de Institutul Aspen România, sub egida programului Aspen New Economy & Society, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Finanțelor, la sediul Ministerului. În prezent, există o dinamică pronunțată a mediului socio-economic, caracterizată de multiple incertitudini, riscuri şi provocări generate pe de o parte, de efectele postpandemice şi pe de […]
Transformarea digitală a administrației – de unde începem?
Despre Masa Rotundă Evenimentul de tip masa rotundă va fi organizat sub egida programului de politici publice Aspen Technology & Society Program de Institutul Aspen România (IAR) și de Institutul Național de Administrație (INA), în parteneriat cu Comisia pentru tehnologia informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor, Camera Deputaţilor, Parlamentul Românieişi cu Comisia pentru administraţie publică şi amenajarea […]
Energia viitorului – hidrogenul şi alte surse regenerabile
Despre Eveniment Masa rotundă a fost organizată sub egida programului Aspen Energy & Sustainability, de către Institutul Aspen România în parteneriat cu Comisia pentru industrii şi servicii a Camerei Deputaţilor și cu Comisia pentru politică economică, reformă şi privatizare a Camerei Deputaţilor. Masa rotundă a dezbătut rolul hidrogenului, a altor surse regenerabile (energia hidroelectrică, […]
Un cadru legislativ pentru sporturile electronice
Despre eveniment Masa rotundă a fost organizată de Institutul Aspen România, sub egida Programului Joacă pentru Viață, în parteneriat cu Comisia pentru Tineret și Sport, Camera Deputaților, Parlamentul României. Masa rotundă a avut loc luni, 13 februarie, între 10:00 – 11:30, la Camera Deputaţilor, Parlamentul României, în sala Comisiei pentru Învățământ (Corp B4, et. 3, […]
Central and Eastern Europe – From New Members to Co-Designers of Future Europe
Aspen Institute Romania in partnership with the Aspen Brussels Hub will organize the roundtable discussion „Central and Eastern Europe – From New Members to Co-Designers of Future Europe”, to be held under the aegis of the Bucharest Forum – A New European Architecture Program, on February 2nd, 16:00-18:30 CET, in Brussels, at the headquarters of […]
Aspen Leadership Awards and Gala Dinner 2022
On December 19, 2022, Aspen Institute Romania hosted at Athénée Palace Hilton Bucharest the 12th edition of the ASPEN LEADERSHIP AWARDS AND GALA DINNER, the most special annual event of the Aspen community, marking 16 years of existence of the Institute and of our common quest for a “Good Society”. Already a treasured tradition, the […]
Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum 2022
Organizers: Aspen Institute Romania, German Marshall Fund of the United States With the support of: NATO Co-funded by: European Union, USAID Institutional Partners: Government of Romania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Ministry of National Defence of Romania, AmCham, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Romania International Partners: Munich Security Conference, The Aspen Institute US, […]
Stimularea Investiţiilor în Inovaţie Workshop al Programului Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life
Masa rotundă a fost organizată de Institutul Aspen România, sub egida Programului Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life, în parteneriat cu Asociația Română a Producătorilor Internaționali de Medicamente (ARPIM). Inovația stă la baza evoluției științei și îngrijirii medicale. Medicamentele inovatoare și vaccinurile sunt unele dintre cele mai puternice instrumente pentru a ajuta oamenii din întreaga […]
Aspen New Economy & Society Custom Leadership Seminar, November 9 – 12, 2022
What is the good we are seeking, and how do economic policies and financial instruments facilitate or hinder the strengthening of a prosperous and just society? A seminar developed in partnership with the Aspen Institute US – Executive Leadership Seminars, organized under the framework of the Aspen New Economy & Society Program. The Seminar was […]
Aspen Healthcare Summit 2022
Towards a Health System Based on Prevention and Innovation 28 October 2022 Hotel Sheraton (Calea Dorobanți 5-7, Bucharest) Aspen Healthcare Summit, now at its eleventh edition, is the major public event of Aspen Institute Romania’s Healthcare & Quality of Life Program, bringing together decision-makers, renowned specialists and researchers from the medical sector, European and national […]
Financial Inclusion and Vulnerable Populations in Romania
October 18th, 2022, 13:30 – 16:00 Anton Carp Hall, National Bank of Romania About the Workshop The current context of mounting inflation and economic stagnation, the subnational disparities in Romania are likely to grow. Inter-generational and intra-generational inequalities grow as large categories of vulnerable populations face mounting pressures on their quality of life. Under the […]
Digital Security Dialogue: Networks = Critical
Time/Date: September 24th, 2022, 14.30 – 17.00 Venue: Palace of Parliament, Nicolae Iorga Hall, Bucharest, Romania Participants: Invited PP-22 speakers and delegates who express their interest; invited Aspen Institute Romania members and Partners; representatives of the public and private sectors, civil society and academia. Organizers: Aspen Institute Romania and ANCOM with the support of the […]
Aspen Seminar for Young European Leaders
The sixth edition of the Aspen Seminar for Young European Leaders will be organized on September 8-11, 2022, in a picturesque mountainous location near Brașov, Romania. This year’s edition of the Seminar is jointly organized by the Aspen Institute Romania, Aspen Institute Kyiv and Aspen Initiative for Europe and is following inspiring and successful editions […]
Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum – 4th edition
The Aspen Institute Romania together with the Bucharest Office of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defence of Romania, the Embassy of France in Romania, with the support of the European Commission and NATO Public Diplomacy Division, will organize the […]
Dezbatere cu tema “Rolul NATO și al Uniunii Europene în modernizarea României”
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca (UBB), împreună cu Institutul Aspen România, va organiza, în data de 24 iunie 2022, de la ora 11.00, în Auditorium Maximum al UBB, dezbaterea cu tema „Rolul NATO și al Uniunii Europene în modernizarea României”, dintre rectorul UBB, prof. univ. dr. Daniel David, și secretarul general adjunct NATO, Excelența Sa domnul […]
Competențele și valorile necesare pentru un viitor educat și rezilient
Evenimentul va fi organizat de Institutul Aspen România, sub egida programului de politici publice „Education, Skills and Future of Work”, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Educației. Evenimentul va avea loc la sediul Universităţii de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi Medicină Veterinară, Sala Senatului. Educația pentru viitorul muncii, într-o lume digitală, în continuă schimbare, trebuie să fie și o […]
The Future of Health: Global Developments and Opportunities for Romania
About the Event The event was organized by Aspen Institute Romania, under the aegis of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program, in partnership with the Ministry of Health of Romania and the G6 UMF University Alliance. Innovation and the increasing adoption of new technologies are radically changing the field of healthcare, pushing traditional […]
Resilient Businesses and Societies
About the Webinar This webinar, organized by Aspen Institute Romania under the aegis of the Aspen New Economy & Society Program aims to address the ways forward out of the current economic downturn at company and individual level, covering benchmarking examples of business strategies and thriving economic sectors, as the way in which the financial […]
Transatlantic Socrates Seminar, June 8-10, 2022
This Program is dedicated to the memory of Madeleine K. Albright, a great American and a great European. An international Leadership Seminar, conducted in English, developed by Aspen Institute Romania in partnership with the Aspen Institute Socrates Program, supported by the Bucharest Office of the German Marshall Fund of the US. Societal and Democratic Resilience […]
Către o administrație publică în beneficiul cetăţenilor: Accelerarea digitalizării serviciilor aferente evenimentelor de viaţă
Vineri, 3 iunie 2022, Institutul Aspen România a organizat workshopul „Către o administrație publică în beneficiul cetăţenilor: Accelerarea digitalizării serviciilor aferente evenimentelor de viaţă”. Evenimentul a avut loc sub egida programului de politici publice Aspen Technology & Society Program și găzduit de UiPath, partener al programului. Workshop-ul a prezentat beneficiile pe care automatizarea, în principal […]
25 Years of Romania-United States Strategic Partnership: The Transformative Power of NATO
Organizers: Embassy of Romania to the United States of America, Meridian In Partnership with: Aspen Institute Romania, Friend of Romania, Romanians of DC May 10, 2022 | 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET | White-Meyer House | Washington, DC Welcoming remarks: Ambassador Stuart Holliday, Meridian International Center Introductory remarks: Ambassador Andrei Muraru, Ambassador of Romania to […]
Custom Healthcare Socrates Seminar, May 5-7, 2022
An international leadership seminar developed in partnership with the Aspen Institute Socrates Program, organized under the framework of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program, debating the resilience of healthcare systems and key challenges in public health. The seminar will be conducted in English and will take place in a picturesque location in Snagov, […]
Global Risks and Competitive Sustainability in the Romanian Economy Workshop
On May 5th, 2022, Aspen Institute Romania organized the workshop on Global Risks and Competitive Sustainability in the Romanian Economy, under the aegis of the Aspen New Economy & Society and Aspen Energy & Sustainability Programs, in partnership with the Ministry of Economy, at the Ministry’s headquarters. The workshop format was a roundtable discussion with […]
Ukraine’s Defense of Freedom: a conversation with our partner Aspen Institute Kyiv (online webinar)
The webinar is designed in partnership with Aspen Institute Kyiv in order to build a live conversation with Ukrainian, Romanian and EU officials. The Ukrainian speakers will be able to share their first-hand experience in dealing with this most tremendous war of the 21st century, while the discussions will also address the implications of the […]
Priorities of the Romanian Healthcare System: Lessons Learned from the SARS-COV-2 Pandemic Workshop
On April 14th, 2022, Aspen Institute Romania organized the workshop entitled Priorities of the Romanian Healthcare System: Lessons Learned from the SARS-COV-2 Pandemic, under the aegis of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program. The SARS-COV-2 pandemic highlighted some important weaknesses of the Romanian healthcare system, increasingly leading to a consensus among public and […]
Multi-stakeholder Engagement for Economic Development in Romania workshop
Aspen Institute Romania organized the workshop on Multi-stakeholder Engagement for Economic Development in Romania, in partnership with the General Secretariat of the Government of Romania, on March 31st, 2022, at the headquarters of the Romanian Government. The workshop took place under the aegis of the Aspen New Economy & Society and Aspen Technology & Society […]
Team Romania – 18 martie
Institutul Aspen România și biroul din București al German Marshall Fund of the US au organizat vineri, 18 martie 2022, o nouă dezbatere în formatul Team Romania pe tema Războiul din Ucraina – securitatea și reziliența României. Acțiunile Rusiei în Ucraina nu doar amenință situația de securitate din regiune, dar schimbă paradigma securității trans-Atlantice și […]
Aspen Dialogues: Disinformation, Societal Resilience and COVID-19
About the Webinar The event will be organized online by the Aspen Institute Romania, in partnership with the Eurocomunicare Association, under the aegis of the Aspen Dialogues series of webinars. Europe and America have long faced the threat of disinformation and had to face its impact in their societies. Trust and social capital have long […]
Bucharest Forum 2021
The 2021 Bucharest Forum edition marks a double anniversary: 10 years since the organization of the first Bucharest Forum and 15 years since the establishment of the Aspen Institute Romania. The 10th edition of the Bucharest Forum is scheduled for December 9 – 10, 2021, in a hybrid format. We are delighted to announce that […]
Aspen Leadership Awards 2021
On December 8, 2021, Aspen Institute Romania hosted and broadcast online the 11th edition of the ASPEN LEADERSHIP AWARDS. The event was organized exclusively online and celebrated 15 years of activity of the Aspen Institute Romania, representing a special occasion for the Members of the Institute and for the beneficiaries of the Aspen programs to […]
Aspen Healthcare Forum 2021
Aspen Healthcare Forum, now at its tenth edition, is the major public event of Aspen Institute Romania’s Healthcare & Quality of Life Program, bringing together decision-makers, renowned specialists and researchers from the medical sector, European and national healthcare experts, representatives of non-governmental organizations and academia, representatives of health technology and pharmaceutical sector, as well as […]
Aspen Energy Summit 2021
About the Summit Aspen Energy Summit, organized under the aegis of Aspen Institute Romania’s Energy and Sustainability Program, was created to explore strategic issues at the intersection of energy, economy, geopolitics and security. A select group of international leaders, national decision-makers, public policy experts and representatives of academia gather for an open discussion of topics […]
Aspen Dialogues: Promoting Pure Science in Romania and the World
The event will be organized online, as a Zoom webinar, by Aspen Institute Romania, under the aegis of the Global Aspen Initiative for Pure Science, the Aspen Dialogues series of webinars, and the Aspen “Skill Shift Towards a Future Good Society” Program. In contrast with applied science, pure science refers to a type of research […]
Aspen Dialogues: Hidrogenul – combustibil pentru economia viitorului
Despre webinar Evenimentul este organizat de Institutul Aspen România sub egida Programului Aspen Energy & Sustainability și a seriei de webinarii Aspen Dialogues. Hidrogenul se bucură de o atenție reînnoită și în creștere rapidă în Europa și în întreaga lume. Hidrogenul poate fi utilizat ca materie primă şi combustibil, având multe aplicații posibile în industrie […]
Aspen Regional Seminar West
The 15th anniversary of Aspen Institute Romania brings a new Aspen Leadership Programs initiative, the Aspen Regional Seminar, a series of leadership seminars dedicated to the most relevant stakeholders from various regions of Romania. After organizing the first edition of the Seminar in May, dedicated to the Center and North-West Regions of Romania, we continue […]
Prezentare publică Digital First – un cadru colaborativ de dezvoltare a unei politici publice de transformare digitală a administrației publice
White Paper Aspen Technology & Society – Digital First: set de principii și propunere de cadru colaborativ privind transformarea digitală a administrației publice în România Evenimentul, organizat de Institutul Aspen România sub egida programului de politici publice Aspen Technology & Society Program și seriei de webinarii Aspen Dialogues, are loc în continuarea demersurilor din 2020 și 2021 ale programului, care s-au […]
Aspen Dialogues: The New Climate Economy
About the Webinar The webinar, organized by Aspen Institute Romania under the aegis of the New Economy and Society Program, the Energy & Sustainability Program, and the Aspen Dialogues series of webinars, will focus on the New Climate Economy. It aims to address the way in which our economic model has to cater to climate […]
Aspen Teen Online Seminar, June 8-10, 2021
The second edition of the Aspen Teen Online Seminar took place between June 8 and 10, 2021, gathering 16 high school students from 12 different Romanian cities. The purpose of the Seminar is to introduce the high school students to the concept of values-based leadership, through the Aspen Method, offering them the space to explore […]
Transatlantic Socrates Seminar (online), June 2-4, 2021
Transatlantic Cooperation and Whole-of-Society Resilience: The Key to Fighting Disruption How can the West improve its resilience and remain competitive in the security and technological challenges of the next decades? ONLINE TRANSATLANTIC SOCRATES SEMINAR JUNE 2 – 4, 2021 An international online seminar, conducted in English, developed in partnership with the Aspen Institute Socrates Program, […]
Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum 2021
The Aspen Institute Romania in cooperation with the Bucharest Office of the German Marshall Fund of the United States will organize the 3rd edition of the Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum on 31 May – 2 June, 2021, in a hybrid format. The Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum is a high-level international event […]
Online Custom Healthcare Socrates Seminar, May 26-27, 2021
An international online seminar developed in partnership with the Aspen Institute Socrates Program, conducted in English, organized under the framework of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program, debating the resilience of healthcare systems and key challenges in public medicine, in the context of the SARS – COV- 2 pandemic. The Future of Public […]
Aspen New Economy & Society Custom Leadership Seminar (online), April 27-29, 2021
A custom leadership online seminar developed in partnership with the Aspen Institute – Executive Leadership Seminars, organized under the framework of the Aspen New Economy & Society Program. The seminar will explore the leadership and values questions which bear on economic opportunity and finance. What is the good we are seeking, and how do economic […]
Noi oportunităţi de investiţii pentru sectorul energetic românesc
Despre webinar Evenimentul, organizat de Institutul Aspen România sub egida Programului Aspen Energy & Sustainability și a seriei de webinarii Aspen Dialogues, va dezbate noi oportunități de investiții în sectorul energetic prin noi mecanisme financiare ale Uniunii Europene, în special Facilitatea de Redresare şi Rezilienţă (RRF) și Fondul de Modernizare, care oferă posibilități ample pentru […]
Aspen Dialogues: Importanţa comunicării şi informării în pandemia SARS-CoV-2
Evenimentul va fi organizat în format digital de către Institutul Aspen România, sub egida programului Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life și a seriei de conversaţii Aspen Dialogues. Webinarul va dezbate importanţa comunicării şi informării populaţiei in pandemia SARS-CoV-2, ca elemente esenţiale în controlul acestei probleme de sănătate publică încă deosebit de disruptive. Pe lângă […]
Aspen Dialogues: The National Recovery and Resilience Plan for Romania and Opportunities for the Private Sector in the New Economy
The webinar took place under the aegis of the Aspen New Economy and Society Program, the Aspen Resilience, Governance and Society Program and the Aspen Dialogues series. The European Union is stepping up to the economic challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic with a €750 billion recovery plan called Next Generation EU. Together with its […]
Aspen Leadership Awards 2020
The event celebrates 14 years of activity of the Aspen Institute Romania and represents a special occasion for the Members of the Institute and for the beneficiaries of the Aspen programs to come together virtually and reflect on the impact that the Aspen community has on the development of the region. During these turbulent times, […]
Aspen Dialogues: New Mechanisms for Financing the Economy
The webinar, organized under the aegis of the Aspen Dialogues series of dialogues and the Aspen Economic Opportunities & Financing the Economy public policy program, analyzed how Romania can benefit from the new and complex mechanisms of financing the economy across Europe. The workshop aimed to cover the debates at the EU level on the […]
Aspen Economic Opportunities & Financing the Economy Custom Leadership Seminar (online), November 16-19, 2020
A custom leadership online seminar developed in partnership with the Aspen Institute – Executive Leadership Seminars, organized under the framework of the Aspen Economic Opportunities & Financing the Economy Program. The seminar explored the leadership and values questions which bear on economic opportunity and finance. What is the good we are seeking, and how do […]
Custom Healthcare Socrates Seminar (online), October 22-23, 2020
An international online seminar developed in partnership with the Aspen Institute Socrates Program, conducted in English, organized under the framework of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program, debating the resilience of healthcare systems and key challenges in public medicine, in the context of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. The Future of Public Health: Building a […]
Bucharest Forum 2020
Bucharest Forum is an annual high-level event organized by the Aspen Institute Romania and the German Marshall Fund of the US, Bucharest office, in partnership with the Government of Romania. Launched in 2012, the mission of the Bucharest Forum is to create a multi-regional platform for innovative, forward-looking thinking on economic and security policies, and […]
Transatlantic Socrates Seminar (online), October 5-7, 2020
On October 5-7, 2020, Aspen Institute Romania organized the second edition of the Transatlantic Socrates Seminar (online), in partnership with the Aspen Institute Socrates Program (USA), and supported by the Bucharest Office of the German Marshall Fund of the US. The seminar was organized in the margins of Bucharest Forum 2020, under the framework of […]
Lupta împotriva cancerului ca prioritate naţională
Institutul Aspen România și Grupul de Lucru pentru Combaterea Cancerului din Parlamentul României au organizat pe 10 septembrie 2020, la Palatul Parlamentului, sub egida programului Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life, workshopul „Lupta împotriva cancerului ca prioritate naţională”. Scopul acestui eveniment a fost de a pune pe agenda publică problematica afecţiunilor oncolgice în România și […]
Emerging Europe and the United States: Towards 2030
A unique initiative exploring sustainable future relations between the emerging Europe region and the United States
Aspen Dialogues: The Post-Pandemic European Union Agenda
Aspen Institute Romania is organizing a webinar on The Post-Pandemic European Union Agenda, on Thursday July 16, between 15:30 – 17:00 EEST. The webinar is held under the aegis of the Aspen Dialogues format and will focus on the priorities of the upcoming German Presidency from the perspective of Europe’s economic recovery, while looking at […]
Aspen Dialogues: Puterea economică a industriilor creative – exemplul Screen Tourism
Institutul Aspen România organizează webinarul pe tema „Puterea economică a industriilor creative – exemplul Screen Tourism”, joi, 9 iulie, între orele 15:30 – 17:00. Webinarul este organizat sub egida dezbaterilor în formatul Aspen Dialogues și își propune să analizeze puterea economică a industriilor creative, concentrându-se pe exemplul screen tourism. Industriile viitorului vor depinde tot mai mult de […]
Aspen Dialogues: Impactul digitalizării asupra modelului economic post-pandemie
Institutul Aspen România organizează webinarul pe tema „Impactul digitalizării asupra modelului economic post-pandemie”, joi, 2 iulie, între orele 15:30 – 17:30. Webinarul este organizat sub egida dezbaterilor în formatul Aspen Dialogues și a programului de politici publice Aspen Economic Opportunities & Financing the Economy. Webinarul îşi propune să analizeze schimbările apărute în economia românească în […]
Aspen Dialogues – Geopolitical Trends and Impact on Business: The Pandemic’s Effects on Security and Global Value Chains
Aspen Institute Romania organized a closed-door webinar for key decision-makers on Geopolitical Trends and Impact on Business: The Pandemic’s Effects on Security and Global Value Chains. The webinar took place on Thursday, 25 June, between 15:30 – 17:00 Bucharest time / 14:30 – 16:00 CEST, under the aegis of the Aspen Dialogues Series and the […]
Aspen Dialogues: Rezilienţa sistemelor de sănătate publică
Institutul Aspen România organizează webinarul pe tema „Rezilienţa sistemelor de sănătate publică”, vineri, 12 iunie, între orele 15:00 – 17:00. Evenimentul este organizat sub egida dezbaterilor în formatul Aspen Dialogues și a programului de politici publice Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life. Webinarul îşi propune să discute rezilienţa sistemelor de sănătate publică. Este esenţială implementarea […]
Aspen Dialogues: Resilience and Foresight – The World after the Pandemic
Aspen Institute Romania, in partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the United States, Bucharest Office, the Aspen Institute Germany, and the Aspen Institute Italia, is organizing the webinar Resilience and Foresight – The World after the Pandemic, on May 29, between 14:30 – 15:30 Central European Time / 15:30 – 16:30 Eastern European Time. The webinar, organized […]
Aspen Dialogues – The Ethics of Data: Human Rights vs Human Protection
Organized under the aegis of the Aspen Dialogues Series and on the margins of the Aspen Technology & Society Program, in partnership with the Bucharest Office of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, Aspen Digital and True Story Project, the webinar will look at ways in which data and technological solutions can foster […]
Aspen Dialogues: Creşterea post-criză şi accesul la capital
Organizat sub egida seriei de webinarii Aspen Dialogues și a programului Aspen Economic Opportunities & Financing the Economy, webinarul își propune să analizeze schimbările apărute în economie şi societate în urma pandemiei, concentrându-se pe provocările cu care se confruntă atât sectorul publicul cât și cel privat. Webinarul va dezbate reziliența economică, definită drept capacitatea de […]
Aspen Dialogues: The Impact of the pandemic on the Future of Work and the public health systems
Organized in partnership with Aspen Institute Italia under the aegis of the Aspen Dialogues Series and the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program, the webinar will aim to assess the impact of Covid-19 on the economy and on the functioning of healthcare systems, which need to continue securing access to medical services. The discussions […]
Dezbatere Team Romania
Institutul Aspen România și Biroul din București al German Marshall Fund of the US au organizat o nouă dezbatare sub egida Team Romania pe data de 4 februarie 2020, la Academia de Studii Economice din București, Sala Virgil Madgearu, între orele 10.00 – 12.00. Team Romania este o platformă non-partizană, informală, a Institutului Aspen România […]
“A Stronger Role for Europe on the International Arena – What Would It Take?” – Doha Forum 2019
The Aspen Institute Romania and the Aspen Institute Italia, under the aegis of the Aspen Initiative for Europe, in collaboration with the Doha Forum, are organizing the roundtable session “A Stronger Role for Europe on the International Arena – What Would It Take?” within the framework of the 19th edition of the Doha Forum, December […]
Workshop – Romanian Defense Industry
The escalation, in recent times, of the discussions on the theme of European Security and Defense requires an analysis of the potential that this approach has for Romania, as well as its economic and geostrategic implications. In terms of recommendations, participants underlined the fact that Romania could improve the role of its defense industry as […]
Aspen Leadership Awards and Gala Dinner 2019
On December 6, 2019, at the Palace of the National Military Circle, Aspen Institute Romania hosted the 9th edition of the ASPEN LEADERSHIP AWARDS AND GALA DINNER, our most special annual event, marking 13 years of existence of the Institute and of our common quest for a “Good Society”. Already a treasured tradition, the Aspen […]
Bucharest Forum 2019
Bucharest Forum is an annual high-level event organized by the Aspen Institute Romania and the German Marshall Fund of the US, Bucharest office. Since its inception in 2012, the mission of the Bucharest Forum is to create a regional platform for forward thinking on economic and security policies, and for promoting political dialogue between governments […]
Aspen Energy Summit 2019
The Aspen Energy Summit was created to explore strategic issues at the intersection of energy, economy, geopolitics and security. A select group of national officials, international leaders and public policy experts from the energy and energy industries, governmental actors and research organizations gather in Ploiesti for an open discussion of topics of national and regional […]
Aspen Healthcare Forum 2019
Aspen Healthcare Forum, now at its eighth edition, is the major public event of Aspen Institute Romania’s Healthcare & Quality of Life Program, bringing together decision-makers, renowned specialists from the medical sector, European and national experts in the fields of healthcare, health technology and pharmaceutical sector, representatives of academia and researchers, as well as industry […]
Privind către viitor: Promovarea incluziunii financiare prin tehnologia financiară
Institutul Aspen România a organizat masa rotundă intitulată „Privind către viitor: Promovarea incluziunii financiare prin tehnologia financiară”, sub egida programului Aspen Economic Opportunities and Financing the Economy. Masa rotundă a avut loc marţi, 1 octombrie 2019, la sediul Băncii Naţionale a României (sala Mitiţă Constantinescu), între orele 09:30 – 12:45. Programul Aspen Economic Opportunities & […]
Joacă pentru Viaţă Summit
Institutul Aspen România a organizat Summit-ul Joacă pentru Viață, în data de 26 septembrie, la Palatul Parlamentului, Sala Nicolae Bălcescu. Evenimentul s-a bucurat de sprijinul Camerei Deputaților și al Ministerului Tineretului și Sportului, fiind organizat în parteneriat cu Institutul Aspen SUA, Comitetul Olimpic și Sportiv Român, UNEFS, Institutul Sportiv Român, precum și alti factori relevanți […]
Workshop de lansare a inițiativei Digital Sustainability Forum (DSF)
Institutul Aspen România, alături de Microsoft România, a organizat marți, 24 septembrie, workshopul de lansare a inițiativei Digital Sustainability Forum (DSF). Prin intermediul unor dezbateri între lideri din sectorul public, sectorul privat și societatea civilă, inițiativa urmărește să ofere recomandări și soluții pentru cele mai întâlnite provocări din aria digitalizării, atât la nivel național cât […]
Workshop „Soluţii pentru dezvoltare – promovarea incluziunii financiare”
Institutul Aspen România a organizat workshop-ul „Soluţii pentru dezvoltare – promovarea incluziunii financiare”, în data de 16 iulie 2019, la sediul Ministerului Dezvoltării Regionale și Administrației Publice. Evenimentul s-a desfăşurat sub egida programului de politici publice „Aspen Economic Opportunities and Financing the Economy” şi a reunit aproximativ 30 de decidenți de nivel înalt, reprezentanţi ai […]
Leading Across Cultures
On July 11-12 and July 12-13, 2019, at the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, Aspen Institute Romania brought for the first time to the Romanian participants the leadership training course “Leading across cultures”, offered in two 1 day and a half sessions for two different groups of leaders from the public sector, diplomacy, foreign affairs, communication, business. […]
Governance Innovation Forum
The forum aims to create a platform of expertise, good practice, and ideas in order to find innovative solutions for better governance and policy making in Romania. Government officials, business associations and leaders, technology enthusiasts and NGOs will have the chance to debate, engage and propose solutions to drive governance efficiency. Context After joining the […]
Exploring synergies to enhance the role of digital health in strengthening health systems and increasing access to quality care in Europe
The conference is a high-level platform to discuss opportunities for accessing E-health and digital technologies in healthcare in Romania and the region, looking at areas where decision-makers, experts and patients seek improvements and debating realistic opportunities for progress in the near future. The conference will explore means of empowering populations and enabling the health workforce […]
The Europe NEXT Project – A New Political Ambition for Europe
The Aspen Institute Romania, on behalf of the Aspen Initiative for Europe (AIfE), together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, Bucharest Office, organized the conference The Europe NEXT Project. A new political ambition for Europe. The event was held in Bucharest on the 11th […]
Activi prin Sport: o şansă de nerefuzat copiilor României
Institutul Aspen România şi Universitatea Națională de Educație Fizică și Sport au plăcerea de a vă invita la workshop-ul Activi prin Sport: o şansă de nerefuzat copiilor României. Workshop-ul va avea loc joi, 6 iunie, în intervalul orar 14:00 – 17:00, la sediul Universităţii Naționale de Educație Fizică și Sport (Strada Constantin Noica nr. 140, […]
Team Romania
Institutul Aspen România și Biroul din București al German Marshall Fund of the US organizează o nouă dezbatare sub egida Team Romania pe data de 29 mai, între orele 14.00- 17:00. Organizată imediat după alegerile pentru Parlamentul European, întâlnirea Team Romania se va axa pe oportunitățile României de susținere și promovare a proiectelor de interes […]
The Role and Status of Women in Modern Society – Between Empowerment, Leadership and Gender Discrimination
The conference was designed to contribute to advancing the European agenda on gender equality, having its overall objective in keeping gender equality steadily on radar and making it a significant milestone in our future actions. There cannot be any discussion on social well-being for citizens without including the economic empowerment of women, without promoting women […]
The First 1000 Days – Early Childhood Education and Professionals of the Future
This year’s conference approached the theme of Early Childhood Education and Professionals of the Future and took the opportunity provided by the Presidency of Romania to the Council of the European Union to broaden the dialogue on this topic at the European Union level. The conference took place in the context of research on brain […]
30 Years on: Lessons from the Past, Challenges of the Present, Inspiration for the Future
The event aimed at highlighting the celebration of 30 years since the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe and provided an opportunity to discuss the lessons learned from the transition processes in the countries of this region and to identify ways in which similar energies can be used to further a European and […]
Workshop “Promoting Financial Education – Benefits, Recommendations and Best Practices”
The workshop on April 19th was the first event organized in the 2019 edition of the program and brought together relevant stakeholders in the field of financial education.
Future Energy Systems: Sustainable and smart gas infrastructure, supported by hydrogen and other renewable gases
The Conference was part of Aspen Institute Romania’s Energy and Sustainability Program, which represents a dedicated platform for open policy dialogue and a neutral forum focused on key energy topics and on ways of promoting environmental sustainability in a technological world.
Launch of the Romania Communicates Initiative
Organized in the context of the Aspen Technology & Society Program, the event gathered key public decision-makers, private stakeholders and representatives of the non-governmental and academic sectors.
Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum 2019
Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum 2019, a high level international event, part of the Aspen National Security & Defense program, to be held on March 20-21, in Bucharest.
The Europe NEXT Project – Cores and Peripheries in Europe?
The first conference of a new Program, organized under the auspices of the Aspen Initiative for Europe, the network of the Aspen Institutes in Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Central Europe, Romania, Spain, and Ukraine).
Aspen Energy Summit 2018
The Aspen Energy Summit was created to explore strategic issues at the intersection of energy, economy, geopolitics and security.
Capitalul uman românesc în era declinului demografic, migrației și revoluției tehnologice
Conferinţa este organizată sub egida comună a Team Romania şi a programului de politici publice Aspen Future of Work.
Launch of the White Paper: “Romanian Priorities and the Presidency of the Council of the EU”
Aspen Institute Romania (AIR) launched the White Paper “Romanian Priorities and the Presidency of the Council of the EU”. The event was organized with support of the European Commission Representation in Romania.
Aspen Leadership Awards and Gala Dinner 2018
Aspen Institute Romania is celebrating its 12th anniversary, marking more than a decade in our common quest for a “Good Society”.
Aspen Healthcare Forum 2018
Aspen Healthcare Forum is a major public event of AIR's Healthcare & Quality of Life program.
Aspen Dialogue on Technology&Society
The Dialogue is taking place under the aegis of Aspen’s Technology & Society Program.
Bucharest Forum 2018
The seventh edition of the Bucharest Forum takes place between 8 – 10 October, 2018, at critical times for the region and Europe.
Constanta Danube – Black Sea Economic Opportunities Forum
A conference designed to unlock the important economic potential Constanta has as a gateway from and towards the EU.
Generation Next – Europe’s Futures Conference
The Conference is the first event of the Future of Europe Task Force meetings, which are to be held in Austria and Romania during their respective Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Good Governance Forum 2018
The event is designed to allow leaders from different countries to share experiences and ideas related to anti-corruption strategies, policy development and implementation, as well as the search for solutions to common problems.
Workshop “Identifying Financing Solutions”
Aspen Institute Romania organized, in partnership with the Romanian Government, a workshop on Identifying Financing Solutions for Three Strategic Priorities of Romania: Healthcare, Infrastructure & Energy.
Soluţii pentru o Romȃnie Sănătoasă și Sportivă
Workshop-ul se desfăşoară sub egida programului Joacă pentru Viaţă, dezvoltat de Institutul Aspen România în parteneriat cu COSR, LPF şi ISR.
Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum 2018
The Aspen Institute Romania in partnership with NATO's Public Diplomacy Division for its 5th collaboration, together with the Bucharest office of the German Marshall Fund of the United States are organizing the Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum 2018.
Workshop “Identifying Responsible Financing Solutions & Promoting Financial Education”
On 23 May 2018, Aspen Institute Romania organised the workshop "Identifying Responsible Financing Solutions & Promoting Financial Education".
The Next Frontier? Aspen Dialogues & Immersive Experiences
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality let us experience a world that is completely different from the one we live in.
Aspen Healthcare Forum 2017
Healthcare as an investment, from cost to social efficiency.
Bucharest Forum 2017
The sixth edition of the Bucharest Forum takes place between 4-6 October, 2017, at critical times for the region and Europe.
Aspen Energy Summit 2017
Editie aniversara: 160 de ani de la infiintarea in Ploiesti a primei rafinarii moderne din lume.
NATO PDD – Aspen Institute Romania Joint Conference 2017
This high level international conference is the fourth event co-organized by the Aspen Institute Romania in collaboration with NATO on topics of allied security.
Launch Conference of the Aspen Future of Work Program
Aspen Future of Work Program intends to create a non-partisan platform and a community dedicated to emerging leaders from a variety of backgrounds interested in subjects covering the Future of Work.
Aspen Life Lab Launch conference
Aspen Institute Romania is organising the Aspen Life Lab Launch conference on 16 December 2016 at the Palace of the Parliament.
Bucharest Forum 2016
For this year’s edition of the Forum the organizers suggest three main themes: the West’s strategic stability, resilience and opportunity, and three overlapping territorial angles: European, regional and transatlantic.
Bucharest Forum / Healthcare 2016
Aspen Institute Romania (AIR) is organizing Bucharest Forum / Healthcare on 29 September.
NATO PDD – Aspen Institute Romania Joint Conference 2016
This high level international conference is the third event co-organized by the Aspen Institute Romania in collaboration with NATO on topics of allied security.
Aspen Ideas, Sibiu
Between June 9 and June 11, Aspen Institute Romania organizes in Sibiu the first edition of Aspen Ideas, in partnership with the Sibiu International Theater Festival.
EUROSFAT 2016 – The potential of the TTIP
Aspen Institute Romania and Europuls are organizing the debate "The potential of the TTIP: Impact on the Romanian economy and harmonization standards".
Bucharest Forum / Keystone Projects 2016
Bucharest Forum / Keystone Projects is part of the series of events organized by the Aspen Institute Romania, as the Institute celebrates 10 years of activity.
Regional Energy Policy Cooperation in South-East Europe
AIR in cooperation with CEPS-Brussels and the Energy Policy Group organise the roundtable “Regional Energy Policy Cooperation in South-East Europe”.
Creative Cities Debates
Aspen Institute Romania (AIR) in cooperation with the Center of Excellence in Planning (CEP) organized the debate “Creative Cities” as a component of AIR’s Future of Cities programme.
Bucharest Forum 2015
Bucharest Forum 2015 takes place between 15-16 October at critical times for the region and Europe.
A Conversation with Violinist David Grimal
Aspen Institute Romania opens the 2015 Festival of Ideas with a special event focusing on music, culture and identity together with guest speaker Mr. David Grimal, world renowned violonist.
A Conversation with Pianist Elisabeth Leonskaja
Fifty years after winning the Enescu Music Contest in Bucharest in 1964 - the event that in many ways propelled her on the major music scene - Elisabeth Leonskaja returns to Bucharest with ever constant generosity and emotion.
Bucharest Forum / Energy 2015
Bucharest Forum Energy, organized by the Aspen Institute Romania and its partners, offers an annual, high level convening platform for private and public stakeholders in the Energy Sector in the Black Sea Region.
Europuls Association and Aspen Institute Romania are organizing the debate “Romania between benefits and restrictions in the TTIP framework” in the third edition of Eurosfat forum.
Can Romania Maximize its Potential in a Convoluted Geopolitical Landscape?
The debate will tackle the geopolitical landscape one year after the start of the armed conflict in Ukraine.
Bucharest Forum / Healthcare 2015
Bucharest Forum / Healthcare is the fourth healthcare sector specific conversation in the framework of Bucharest Forum.
The Crisis in Ukraine: Implications for Romania
The conversation is catalyzed by the paper "Integrating Ukraine in the Regional and Global Value Chains of Tomorrow".
Europe’s Frontier – Bugeac
Following a journalistic investigation by Ovidiu Nahoi and his team in a complex region between Romania, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, this debate will focus on challenges this region faces in terms of identity, economy and security.
Romania Trade & Export Finance Conference
Aspen Romania is partnering with GTR (Global Trade Review), the leading trade, commodity and export finance media company, in organizing the inaugural Romania Trade & Export Finance Conference in Bucharest.
Bucharest Forum 2014
At its third edition this year, the Bucharest Forum is becoming the largest and most important policy gathering dedicated to the Eurasian link at the Black Sea.
Towards a Gold Standard in Governance
The conference was organized on the occasion of 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of totalitarian regimes in Central and Eastern Europe in 1989.
Bucharest Forum / Energy 2014
Bucharest Forum / Energy 2014 brought together key officials, business leaders and influential energy experts from more than 15 countries for a timely debate on energy and security related issues.
Romania Gateway Unit Launch
We are honored to organize the official launch of the Romania Gateway Strategic Project: Boosting Competitiveness, Sustaining Growth that will take place Tuesday, May 27th 2014 at the Romanian Government.
Black Sea Maritime Cluster Launch
In collaboration with the Romanian Government, the Aspen Institute Romania was honored to organize the launch of the Black Sea Maritime Cluster on May 14 in Constanta.
We are honored to organize a panel within the Eurosfat event, on April 7 from 14:00 called "Escaping Europe’s periphery. Balancing domestic growth and trade".
Bucharest Forum / Healthcare 2014
The event is the third healthcare sector specific conversation in the framework of Bucharest Forum.
Bucharest Forum / Healthcare 2013_2
Bucharest Forum/ Healthcare 2 provided the opportunity to enhance the results of implemented or intended reforms through organizing a meaningful debate.
A Conversation on Education, Identity and Gender
The fourth Conversation in the 2013 Festival of Ideas focused on three very important elements of a modern society: education, identity and gender.
Bucharest Forum 2013
Bucharest Forum represents a major cross-regional platform for economic, strategic and social dialogue for decision makers in the region between the Adriatic, the Black Sea and the Caspian.
A Conversation with Gigi Caciuleanu
The third event of the 2013 Festival of Ideas was a Conversation with Gigi Caciuleanu, world famous choreographer, professor and contemporary dance innovator.
A Conversation with Ioan Holender
The second event of the 2013 Festival of Ideas was a Conversation with Ioan Holender, artistic director of the "George Enescu Music Festival" on cultural management, identity and the transformative power of music.
A Conversation with Lawrence Foster
Aspen Institute Romania opened the 2013 Festival of Ideas with a special event focusing on music, culture and identity on Saturday, September 7.
Bucharest Forum / Energy 2013
Bucharest Forum / Energy took place over two days and was a mix of conference and round table format conversations.
Bucharest Forum / Healthcare 2013_1
The Aspen Institute Romania, Adevarul Holding and Link Resource are organizing a high level symposium on policies and best practices in healthcare regulatory issues.
Bucharest Forum 2012
Bucharest Forum 2012 edition gathered over 400 foreign investors, representatives of the Romanian business sector, large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises and high-ranking officials.
Aspen Romania Debates at the Education Forum 2011
The Aspen Institute Romania organizied on May 14 2011, a series of debates on the educational and development opportunities as well as civic and community change making ideas.
Cyber Defense in the Context of the New NATO Strategic Concept
AIR in partnership with NATO PDD organized the international conference: "Cyber Defense in the Context of the New NATO Strategic Concept".
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources of Energy Round Table
The round table on "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources of Energy", organized by the Aspen Institute Romania at the Romanian Parliament, aimed to identify the best options and measures to increase energy security.
Speak Truth to Power
Kerry Kennedy, daughter of Robert F. Kennedy came on the 7th-9th of April for the first time in Romania to promote the Speak Truth to Power project, an initiative that promotes human rights.