Aspen Dialogues: Promoting Pure Science in Romania and the World
July 22, 15:30 – 17:00 EEST
The event will be organized online, as a Zoom webinar, by Aspen Institute Romania, under the aegis of the Global Aspen Initiative for Pure Science, the Aspen Dialogues series of webinars, and the Aspen “Skill Shift Towards a Future Good Society” Program.
In contrast with applied science, pure science refers to a type of research which may not be immediately utilized but nonetheless forms the basis of progress and development in different fields. Pure science often fuels the technological innovations of applied science and should be developed as a key precondition to research & development. In line with the objectives of the Global Aspen Initiative of the Pure Science, the goal of the webinar is to have a country-specific discussion centered on the status of, and opportunities for, “pure” (also called “basic” or “fundamental”) science research, in Romania and around the world.
The webinar will explore topics such as:
- Who pays for, or should pay for, pure science research?
- Is there enough pure in the world and our country specifically?
- What are the relationships between pure science and applied science?
- How will substantial progresses in pure science help build a better, more values-based society?
The webinar will also look into strategies for advancing pure science and the set of skills that researchers require, asking questions such as:
- What skills do younger generations need to develop in order to specialize in pure science?
- How do you make pure science appealing to youth?
The webinar format will be a moderated discussion between panellists, followed by a Q&A session based on questions received from participants (representatives of academia and the private sector, public officials, civil society leaders focused on fostering research).
Confirmed speakers:
- Aaron Mertz, Director, The Aspen Institute Science & Society Program
- Adrian Bot, D. Ph.D., Vice President and Global Head, Translational Medicine Kite, a Gilead Company
- Sorin Costreie, State Advisor for Education and Science, Cabinet of the Prime-Minister, Government of Romania; Professor of the philosophy of science and Vice-rector, University of Bucharest
- Mihnea Costoiu, Rector, Chairman of the Board, University Politehnica of Bucharest
Moderator: Roxana Voicu-Dorobanţu – Director, Aspen “Skill Shift Towards a Future Good Society” Program