Multi-stakeholder Engagement for Economic Development in Romania workshop
Aspen Institute Romania organized the workshop on Multi-stakeholder Engagement for Economic Development in Romania, in partnership with the General Secretariat of the Government of Romania, on March 31st, 2022, at the headquarters of the Romanian Government. The workshop took place under the aegis of the Aspen New Economy & Society and Aspen Technology & Society Policy Programs.
The workshop format was a closed doors, by invitation only moderated roundtable discussion which brought together around 40 leading public and private sector representatives.
Discussions focused on key issues regarding multi-stakeholder engagement for economic development in Romania, particularly public – private cooperation on fostering investments and implementing the new financial instruments available. Questions for debate included:
- What are the main challenges in the implementation of the new EU financial instruments?
- How is Romania aligned in its strategic objectives to the EU vision for a comprehensive economic transformation?
- Are the new security challenges in the region threatening or creating greater urgency for the implementation of investments in key strategic sectors (e.g., energy, digital infrastructure)?
- What are the optimal ways in which public and private actors can contribute to the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in Romania?
- Is there a clear action plan for shared efforts between public and private stakeholders?
- What are the most prominent vulnerabilities in our economy and society?
09:00 – 09:30 Registration & Welcome Coffee
09:30 – 10:00 Opening Remarks
- Dragoș Negoiță – Director, General Secretariat of the Government of Romania
- Clara Volintiru – Program Director, Aspen New Economy and Society Program
- Radu Puchiu – Program Director, Aspen Technology & Society Program
10:00 – 11:00 Public Sector Interventions
- George Tuţă – Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of Romania
- Diana Țenea – Secretary General, Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalisation
- Lara Tassan Zanin – Head of the EIB Group Office in Romania
- Carolina Rendon – Senior Public Sector Specialist, World Bank
- Sorin Maxim – Director General, Western Regional Development Agency
- Mihaela Toader – County Manager, Ilfov County Council
11:00 – 12:00 Private Sector Interventions & Roundtable Debate
- Adrian Răducan – Business Development Coordinator, Structural Funds, Raiffeisen Bank
- Mihaela Petraru – Head of Financial Institutions & Public Sector, UniCredit Bank Romania
- Bogdan Pătru – Director, Public Policy, Mastercard Romania and Croatia
- Livia Manolache – Bussines Developer, Modex
12:00 – 12:30 Conclusions
Moderators: Dr. Clara Volintiru – Program Director, Aspen New Economy and Society Program