The event was organized by the Aspen Institute Romania (AIR), under the aegis of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program and the Aspen Dialogues Series. The Dialogue was followed by a Networking Dinner on the occasion of Aspen Healthcare Summit 2023, AIR’s main public event of the of the Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program, taking place on October 20th.

The event benefited from the participation of Mr. Mircea Geoană, Deputy Secretary General of NATO and Founding President of the Aspen Institute Romania, who delivered a keynote speech followed by a conversation with journalist Claudiu Pândaru and a Q&A session.

The event aims to contribute to the conversation around vision, innovation, and transformation in healthcare systems. Policy-makers, experts and citizens agree that the healthcare systems of today need a paradigm shift towards a more innovative, patient-centered and prevention-oriented model, bringing huge benefits in terms of life expectancy and quality of life as well as a significant decrease in healthcare costs. The key questions this discussion will address are:

  • Scaling-up innovation: fostering a solid public-private partnership for innovation.
  • Best practices from abroad / how can the Romanian healthcare system benefit from innovative digital solutions.
  • Emerging technologies where investments should be prioritized.
  • Opportunities for innovators: financing emerging companies with the help of accelerators and facilitating platforms for transferring know-how.

Participants will include policy-makers, private sector leaders, representatives of civil society, academia and patient organizations, AIR members as well as Aspen Healthcare & Quality of Life Program Partners and Partners of the Aspen Healthcare Summit.