Bucharest Forum 2015
Facing a Perfect Storm: Perspectives for Europe’s Neighbourhood Vision
October 15-16, 2015
Grand Hall, Ministry of Culture
Bucharest Forum 2015 takes place between 15-16 October at critical times for the region and Europe. As the global order is changing, new economic and strategic alignments shape the context for political cooperation, economic and trade relations as well as investment. This is particularly evident in the East-West political and economic dynamic along the New Silk Road.
Political crisis in Europe is evident in the difficulty of managing the Greek debt issue, the UK referendum and the Mediterranean refugee crisis. This European malaise is heightened by domestic populists’ rifts and the challenge of the deep low in relations with Russia over the Ukraine crisis. Combined with a deep partisan rift in Washington and approaching presidential elections in the US this has implications for the West and presents complex challenges for the Trans-Atlantic community.
Day 1, Thursday, October 15th, 2015
08:30 – 09:00 Registration of Participants and Welcome Coffee
09:00 – 09:30 Opening Remarks (Grand Hall)
Mircea Geoană, President, Aspen Institute Romania
Alina Inayeh, Director, GMF US, Bucharest office
Ionuț Vulpescu, Minister of Culture of Romania (TBC)
09:30 – 10:15 Keynote address (Grand Hall)
Bogdan Aurescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania
Sorin Ducaru, Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, NATO
Ivan Vejvoda, Senior Vice President, Programs, GMF US
10:15 – 10:45 A Conversation on: Diverging Normative and Strategic Views in Eurasia (Grand Hall)
Lilia Shevtsova, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Center on the United States and Europe, Brookings Institution
Moderator: Tim Judah, Balkans Correspondent, The Economist
10:45 – 11:45 Geoeconomic and Geopolitical Shifts on the Eurasian Corridor: a Nexus on the Black Sea Shores (Grand Hall – on the record, open to press)
Tedo Japaridze, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Parliament of Georgia
Ivan Vejvoda, Senior Vice President, Programs, The German Marshall Fund of the US
Sinan Ülgen, Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Europe
H.E. Charles Ries, Vice President, International, Rand Corporation
Cristian Diaconescu, Fmr. Minister of Foreign Affairs
Henrik Hallgren, Chairman, Eurasia Forum
Moderator: Alina Inayeh, Director, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Bucharest Office
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee Break
12:00 – 12:45 Introductory remarks: Vasile Iuga, Cluster Leader, PwC South East Europe
Keynote address:
Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President for the Energy Union, European Commission
Andrei Gerea, Romanian Minister of Energy
12:45 – 13:45 Energy Union, Competing Regional Energy Priorities Converging Needs: What Future for the European Energy Security Strategy? (Grand Hall – on the record, open to press)
Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President for the Energy Union, European Commission
Mihnea Constantinescu, Ambassador at Large for Energy Security, Romanian Government
Yiorgos Tsipras, Secretary General for International Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic
Edward Chow, Senior Fellow, Energy and National Security Program, CSIS
Mehmet Öğütçü, Chairman, Global Resources Partnership, Special Envoy for the Energy Charter, The Bosphorus Energy Club
Danila Bochkarev, Senior Fellow, Regional Security Initiative, EastWest Institute
Moderator: Alexandra Gătej, CEO, Maldon & Wat
13:45 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 15:45 A Eurasian Security Conundrum: What Next, if De-escalation does not Succeed in Ukraine? (Grand Hall – on the record, open to press)
H.E. Pirkka Tapiola, Head of the European Union Delegation to Moldova
Michał Baranowski, Director, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Warsaw office
Iulian Fota, Associate Professor, National Intelligence Academy
Pavel Felgenhauer, Defence Columnist and Analyst, Novaya Gazeta
Andriy Shevchenko, Ukraine’s Ambassador Designate to Canada
Victor Chirilă, Executive Director, Foreign Policy Association, Republic of Moldova
Moderator: Tim Judah, Balkans Correspondent, The Economist
15:45 – 16:30 European Aspen Strategy Group: Geography and the Policy and Political Implication of the Refugee Crisis (Grand Hall – on the record, open to press)
Laurențiu Ștefan, Presidential Adviser for Internal Political Affairs, Romanian Presidential Administration
Mircea Geoană, President, Aspen Institute Romania
Nicolas Tenzer, Executive President, Aspen Institute France
Moderator: Andra Miron, News Anchor, Realitatea TV
16:45 – 18:00 Parallel Sessions
I. Trade, Growth and Investment Opportunities along the Eurasian Corridor: What Regional Context for Trade Negotiations, Privatization and Economic Reform? (Ministry board room, 3rd floor – roundtable conversation)
Shovgi Mehdizade, Head of Regional Cooperation Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of teh Republic of Azerbaijan
Frances G. Burwell, Vice President and Director, Transatlantic Relations, Atlantic Council
Shintaro Hamanaka, Economist, Office of Regional Economic Integration, Asian Development Bank
Anatole Klepatsky, CEO and Partner, Altius, Ukraine
Moderator: Robert Uzună, Affiliated Expert, Romanian Center for European Policies. Aspen Fellow 2012
II. The Mediterranean Conundrum: Between Economic Recovery, Migration and Radicalization (Grand Hall – roundtable conversation)
Amin Tarzi, Director, Center for Middle East Studies, Marine Corps University, Quantico, USA
H.E. Hamid Moayyer, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Romania
Koert Debeuf, Project Coordinator, World Leaders on Transitions towards Democracy publication, Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
H.E. Oded Eran (PhD), Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Security Studies
Sven Biscop, Director, Egmont Royal Institute for International Affairs
Moderator: Louisa Slavkova, Programme & National Office Coordinator, European Council on Foreign Relations, Sofia office. Aspen Fellow 2013
20:00 – 21:30 Power Dinner
21:30 Night Owl Sessions (off the record, closed to press – by invitation only)
A. Stability in the Greater Middle East area: the Iranian Factor
H.E. Charles Ries, Vice President, International, RAND Corporation
Amin Tarzi, Director, Center for Middle East Studies, Marine Corps University, Quantico, USA
H.E. Oded Eran (PhD), Senior Fellow, the Institute for National Security Studies
Koert Debeuf, Project Coordinator, World Leaders on Transitions towards Democracy publication, Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
Ioana Mateș, Secretary General, Bilateral Chamber of Commerce and Industry Romania – Iran
Moderator: Dan Petre, Director, Romanian Diplomatic Institute
B. For a New European Economic Model: Fostering Growth, Bridging Social Disparities in the trans-Atlantic Space
Oleg Derevianko, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Radu Soviani, Economic Journalist
Moderator: Ionuț Stanimir, Director of Communication, BCR. Aspen Fellow 2011
C. Global Competition over Hearts and Minds: Addressing Propaganda and the Role of Media
Igor Munteanu, Vice-rector for International Cooperation and Academic Partnerships, Free International University of Moldova
Gordana Knezevic, Director of Balkan Service, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Anatole Klepatsky, CEO and Partner, Altius Ukraine
Merkhat Sharibzhanov, Senior News Editor, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Moderator: Oana Popescu, Director, Global Focus Centre
D. Europe’s Soft Spot: Balkans the Unfinished Peace and Prosperity Project
Ana S. Trbovich, Dean and Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration, Singidunum University, Belgrad
Ognyan Minchev, Director, Institute for Regional and International Studies, Sofia
Ivan Vejvoda, Senior Vice President, Programs, The German Marshall Fund of the US
Dimitrios Triantaphyllou, Director of the Center for International and European Studies, Kadir Has University
Corina Rebegea, Resident Fellow, Center for European Policies Analysis (CEPA). Aspen Fellow 2011
Moderator: Tim Judah, Balkans Correspondent, The Economist
Day 2, Friday, October 16th, 2015
08:30 – 09:00 Registration of Participants and Welcome Coffee
09:00 – 09:30 A conversation on: European Neighborhood – a Test for European Foreign Policy Vision and Capacity (Grand Hall – on the record, open to press)
Daniel Ioniță, State Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Sen. Benedetto Della Vedova, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Moderator: Sanda Nicola, News Anchor, Digi24
09:30 – 11:00 The Future of European Security Perspective: Emerging Strategic Focus or Faltering Ambitions? (on the record, open to press)
Keynote address: H.E. Alexander Vershbow, Deputy Secretary General, NATO
Sen. Benedetto Della Vedova, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Daniel Ioniță, State Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu, Director, Foreign Intelligence Service
Iulian Chifu, Director, Center for Conflict Prevention and Ealy Warning
Moderator: Radu Tudor, Political and Military Analyst
11:00 – 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:30 Parallel Sesions
I. Regional Security Prospects (Ministry board room, 3rd floor – on the record, open to press)
Initial Commentators:
Tedo Japaridze, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Parliament of Georgia (TBC)
Richard Youngs, Senior Associate, Democracy and Rule of Law Program, Carnegie Europe
Iulian Chifu, Director, Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning
Igor Munteanu, Vice-rector for International Cooperation and Academic Partnerships, Free International University of Moldova
Iulian Groza, Program Director, Institute for European Policies and Reforms, Republic of Moldova
Moderator: Sven Biscop, Director of the Europe in the World program, Egmont – the Royal Institute for International Relations
II. Economic and Security Challenges in Asia and their Impact in Eurasia: Can the E-W Trade and Investment Corridor/New Silk Road be Shared? (Grand Hall – on the record, open to press)
Keynote address (11:00 – 11:20)
Shen Weizhong, Deputy Division Director of the Department of European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
Iuliu Winkler, Vice President of the International Trade Committee, European Parliament
H.E. Doru Costea, Ambassador of Romania to the People’s Republic of China
Shintaro Hamanaka, Economist, Office of Regional Economic Integration, Asian Development Bank
Dr. Jing Men, InBev – Baillet – Latour Chair of European Union-China Relations and Director of the EU – China Research Centre, College of Europe
Dr. Christina Lin, Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
Theresa Fallon, Senior Associate, European Institute for Asian Studies
Moderator: Cristian Pantazi, Editor-in-chief, Hotnews.ro
12:30 – 12:45 Coffee Break
12:45 – 14:00 Parallel sessions
I. Romania Gateway: A Trade and Investment Agenda for the Eurasian Corridor in the Three Seas Region (roundtable conversation)
Steven van Groningen, President and CEO, Raiffeisen Bank
Ismail Radwan, Lead Public Sector Management Specialist
Igor Runov, Under Secretary General, International Road Transport Union
Jarosław Rutkowski, CEO, INC Romania
Moderator: Radu Soviani, Economic Journalist
II. Countering the Wave of Mainstream Populism: Leveraging Political Crises in Europe (roundtable conversation)
Constanze Stelzenmueller, Robert Bosch Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Zsuzsanna Szelényi, Member of the Hungarian Parliament
Andrei Țărnea, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Romania
Moderator: Corina Rebegea, Resident Fellow, Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). Aspen Fellow 2011
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 16:30 Parallel Sessions
I. Security in the Era of Digital Economy and Governance: Cyber Threats on the Global Agenda (roundtable conversation)
Initial Commentators:
Gabriel Mazilu, Deputy Director of Cyberint, Romanian Intelligence Service
Liina Areng, Head of International Relations, Estonian Information System Authority
Radu Surugiu, Vice President of the Committee for Defence, Public Order and National Security, Romanian Chamber of Deputies. Aspen Fellow 2013
Augustin Jianu, General Director, CERT-RO
Dan Tătaru, Senator, Parliament of Romania
Kim Zetter, Senior Staff Reporter, Wired
Moderator: Andrei Roth, General Manager, Recognos Romania. Aspen Fellow 2012
II. Regional Lynchpin: Geopolitical and Geo-economic Choices for Turkey (roundtable conversation)
Dimitrios Triantaphyllou, Director of the Center for International and European Studies, Kadir Has University
Sinan Ülgen, Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Europe
Mehmet Öğütçü, Chairman, Global Resources Partnership, Special Envoy for the Energy Charter, The Bosphorus Energy Club
Nicolas Tenzer, Executive President, Aspen Institute France
Moderator: Balazs Barabas, Foreign Correspondent, Digi24
17:00 – 19:00 China and the West: Investing in mutual understanding
Keynote address:
H.E. Doru Costea, Ambassador of Romania to the People’s Republic of China
Dr. Fang Xiao, Director, Department of General Affairs, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies
Mr. Zhou Tanhao, Researcher, Institute of European Studies, CICIR
Moderator: Ciprian Stanescu, Corporate Affairs Director, Aspen Institute Romania