Bogdan Văduva is counselor in the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and  Tourism, Department for Foreign Trade, where he is responsible for Romania’ commercial relationship with the US, United Kingdom and Ireland. 

Bogdan oversees the Department’ activities related to trade and commercial  diplomacy in the bilateral cooperation with the United States of America, United  Kingdom and Ireland. He fulfilled two diplomatic assignments, in Washington DC and  London, promoting Romania’ interests in regards to trade and investment and was  involved in several high level visits and economic missions. He began his career as a  fiscal inspector at the National Agency of Fiscal Administration. 

He earned his B.A. in law from the Romanian – American University and holds a master  in commercial law from Nicolae Titulescu University. He also attended the Academy  of Economy Studies of Bucharest where he obtained a B.A. and a master degree in  economics.

Bogdan is a fellow of the third edition of the Aspen Public Service Leadership Program, Spring Cohort 2021.