Cosmin Ghiță
Mr. Cosmin Ghita is the CEO of Nuclearelectrica starting with 02.09.2017. Mr. Ghita has a major in economics and an international education experience shared between Romania and the United States of America. His fields of expertise include economic strategies, international affairs, energy markets, large investment project development and risk analysis, structuring of market capitalization strategies, international relations and affairs, public-private partnerships, both in the state and private sectors. Mr. Cosmin Ghita has started his career within Chevron USA’s Washington DC office and contributed to the formation of AMRO. He then moved with Chevron’s country entry team in Romania, then moved as Partner within Amerocap and Manager in Medtronic Romania and, recently, the Romanian Government as advisor to the Prime-Minister on energy market and security of supply. Mr. Ghita is involved in volunteering and academic activities, as the co-founder of Aspire Academy, a leadership and business summer program led by Harvard and Ivy League Professors in Romania.