Gabriel Ciodaru
ASFA Member & AYLP Fellow 2008
Gabriel Ciodaru is currently ICT Manager EU Region at Pirelli. Before joining to Pirelli, worked at the local Branch of BRD Groupe Societe Generale as local ICT responsible. He holds a Master – Administrational IT at University of Craiova and in the last years has attended to communication and collaborators management training courses; furthermore, he holds an eMBA degree in General Management at City College an international Faculty of The University of Sheffield. Apart of permanently looking for innovative perspectives and trends in the ICT field, and their impact in the current ICT operaționala models, his other main interests are in leadership, collaborators management and communication. He considers that exposure to different working & leaving environments is rather an opportunity for personal development than a challenge or threat.
In the last 17 years he did work and travel on two continents, Europe and North America, an amazing experience which brought him to the point of being able to build, manage & lead IT teams from various countries and to be more conscious & confident in his skills, competencies, and expertise.