Lacramioara Partenie was born in 1983 in Botoșani, attended the “Stefan Luchian” Art High School in Botoșani, the artistic vocational high school specializing in music (grades I-VIII violin and piano) and painting (grades IX-XII); during high school has obtained prizes at various national competitions and the certificate of professional competencies-technician in monumental painting.

In the period 2007-2009 she works as a draftsman at the architecture and design company SC Future Architect Studio SRL.

In 2009 graduated from the Faculty of Architecture “G.M. Cantacuzino” Iasi, Technical University “Gh. Asachi”, obtaining the degree of architect; the first child was born so a period of 2 years of parental leave follows.

In the period 2011-2012 she works as an assistant manager at the construction and interior design company SC Condecor ART SRL.

In 2012, the second child was born and, again, a period of parental leave follows, resuming its activity within the company SC CONDECOR ART SRL in 2013.

Since August 2015 she holds the position of counselor within the Urbanism and building permits service in the specialized apparatus of the Mayor, Botoșani City Hall, with responsibilities in processing urban planning documents that operate in urban planning, by transposing to the locality of specific approved regulations.

Since 2017 Lacramioara is a member of the Territorial Council of the North East Branch of the Order of Architects in Romania, a professional organization whose mission is to convince society that architecture is, first of all, an act of culture of public interest, with urban, economic, social implications and ecological.

In 2017 completed and graduated the postgraduate course of training and continuous professional development Urbanism and territory administration, the Faculty of Architecture “G.M. Cantacuzino” Iasi, Technical University “Gh. Asachi”.

In 2018 was a member of the working group elaboration of the Local Action Plan for the promotion and protection of cultural heritage in the Municipality of Botoșani for the period 2018-2023.

For all the differences that exist in the world, the need to learn, to share knowledge and provide guidance, to belong and to accept each other is universal. 

There are always things to learn at all times, in any circumstance and from everyone you meet.

She is a fellow of the third edition of the Aspen Public Service Leadership Program, Spring Cohort 2021.