Ovidiu Petru Stan, PhD, has been an employee of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science since 2008. Currently, he holds the position of Assoc. Prof. within the Department of Automation and Director of the Compartment for the Relationship with the Socio-Economic Environment of the Technical University of Cluj Napoca. 

He was an invited professor at KL University and Vellore Institute of Technology from India and Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan. 

Starting with 2012, he has been actively involved in the international scientific community being one of the organizational members of 7 international IEEE conferences. He is the author or co-author of more than 50 scientific articles, 4 books and an IEEE member. His research interests include dependability, cyber-physical-systems, e-health, information management via the Internet, cloud-fog-edge computing.

Being always interested in extracurricular activities and realizing the technical start-ups’ importance, he has been an ambassador for the Innovation Labs program until 2018 when he accepts the challenge and becomes the Program Manager of Innovation Labs Cluj Napoca.

He is a fellow of the third edition of the Aspen Public Service Leadership Program, Spring Cohort 2021.