Ioana Antonescu
Ioana is managing since 2017 the Leadership Programs of the Aspen Institute Romania, contributing to the continuous diversification of the Institute’s palette of leadership programs and to the growth of its thriving community of fellows and alumni. In this position, Ioana enjoys facilitating meaningful formative experiences for the participants to the programs, who belong to a variety of age groups, nationalities, and socio-professional categories.
During the year 2016, before joining the Aspen Institute Romania, Ioana was personal advisor to the Secretary of state responsible with the SMEs, business environment and tourism, at the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Relations with the Business Environment in Romania. In that capacity, she coordinated the implementation of My First Business Plan, an entrepreneurial education program dedicated to university students, and she was also part of activities in support of entrepreneurship and innovation in the cultural and creative sectors.
Prior to her 2016 experience in the public sector, Ioana was involved for 8 years in the management of EU funded projects, out of which more than 6 years in the non-profit sector, especially within projects dedicated to human resources development through entrepreneurial and managerial education.
She holds a BA in International Relations. European Studies from the University of Bucharest and a MA in Management of the Structural Funds of the European Union, from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Faculty of International Business and Economics.