Miruna Butnaru-Troncotă is a specialized researcher in EU Foreign and Security Policy and writer. She was born in Bucharest and studied Political Science at the National University of Political Science and Public Administration (SNSPA) in Bucharest (Romania). She obtained her PhD at the same university, with a thesis on the Europeanisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and held various research fellowships in Berlin, Ljubljana, Graz and Warsaw. Her main field of expertise is foreign policy, EU integration, Black sea politics and the post-conflict reconstruction of the Western Balkans  and she published numerous academic articles and policy papers in this field.

Currently, she works as Associate Professor, PhD advisor and Director of the Centre of European Studies of SNSPA in Bucharest. She is part of relevant professional networks such as the European Fund for the Balkans Alumni Network, Future Lab Europe, Bosch Alumni Network and Balkans Beyond Borders Ambassadors’ network.

In her early career, Miruna worked as an intern Political officer for the Romanian Embassy in Sarajevo (2013) and the Delegation of the European Union in Prishtina (2014). Under the pseudonym Miruna Vlada she is an awarded poet and essayist, publishing 4 collections of poetry in Romania and being translated in more than 12 foreign languages. She is currently a board member of the writers’ organization Pen Club Romania.
