Octavian Claudiu Radu
ASFA Member & Aspen Seminar Alumnus 2015
Born in 1961, Octavian Radu began his studies in Romania (German Highschool in Bucharest, then the Academy of Economics Studies) and continued them in Germany at FernUniversitaet Hagen – Betriebswirtschaftlehre, as well as his career started in Bucharest as economist trainee at ICE Exportlemn, ICE Chimimportexport, ICE Chimica Bucharest and then continued for a short time as employee in Hellbut GmbH Company in Germany.
Yet, in 1990 Radu decided to set up the basis of his what we call now “Radu Holding” group of companies.
He is one of the most famous entrepreneurs in Romania who has created more than 30 start-ups that successfully have been developed over the years.
These companies became market leaders in their very various fields – for stationary RTC Proffice, for retail and book distribution Diverta and DDC or served as basis of entry on the Romanian market of some international market leaders such as PayPoint by PayStore purchase, Lykos via the aquisition of EuroPaper Converting, Antalis by aquiring RTC Paper Boards.
He was awarded many prizes and diplomas: “The Romanian Company of the Last Decade” award- granted by Capital financial magazine during the Oskar Prizes for the most stable evolution in 2002, “The Year’s Joint Venture” award – granted by “Saptamana Financiara” Magazine during “Mr. Ron” Gala Awards, “The Manager of the Year” award granted by Flacara Magazine, “The Prize for Business” awarded by E-Week Magazine during Agora Gala, “E-Transaction” award granted by E-Finance Magazine, “The Businessman of the Year” award – granted by Capital financial magazine during the Oskar Prizez in 2005, 3rd Prize in the most important capitalists of Romania Chart awareded during “Ziarul financiar” Capaigne named “20 Years of Capitalism”, Hororific Diploma granted by “Realitatea-Catavencu” Trust during the “Private Government” Project in 2009, he was registered in the “Romanian Personalities’ Encyclopedia” in 2006.
Octavian Radu has 5 children and one grandson.