Radu Bogdan Moțoc
ASFA Member & AYLP Fellow 2007
Radu is a seasoned civil society leader with over 24 years of continuous work experience in the Romanian nonprofit sector. Before moving into his current role, he worked at the Romanian chapter of the Open Society Foundations for 9 years – 6 of which he spent in the capacity of Director of Programs. Since 2012 he has taken over the executive position at Techsoup Romania, pioneering capacity-building programs to foster the digital transformation of nonprofits in Romania and Moldova, as well as to enhance the teaching of computer science in the K-12 public school system.
A graduate of the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Bucharest, Radu is also a fellow of the Marshall Memorial program of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and an alumnus of the 2007 Young Leaders Program of the Aspen Institute Romania. He has chaired and continues to serve on the board of the Centre for Legal Resources, a Bucharest-based nonprofit that defends human rights and rule of law. He is also a member of the advisory board at the Civil Society Research Centre (CISQUARE), a project of the Center for the Study of Democracy at the Babes-Bolyai University.
Radu is interested in all-things civil society, particularly in the role that civil society organizations can play within the larger balance of power among citizens, markets, and governments. He believes that a strong non-governmental sector is a marker of a healthy functioning democratic society, and advocates for digital citizenship education as an essential means to prevent the backsliding of democracies worldwide.