Razvan Alexandru Popp
Head of Service of the Transparency and Issuer Reporting Service
Răzvan Alexandru Popp, economist, currently holds the position of Head of Service of the Transparency and Issuer Reporting Service, General Directorate – Financial Instruments and Investments Sector within the Financial Supervisory Authority, the structure that ensures the supervision of issuers’ reporting obligations (transparency and compliance with the IFRS reporting framework) and shareholders’ rights requirements.
He graduated from the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics within the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, specializing in Economic Cybernetics.
Since November 2006 he has been working within the authority with responsibilities of supervision, authorization and regulation of the capital market, respectively Romanian National Securities Commission and the Financial Supervisory Authority.
With almost 18 years of experience in the capital market, he has worked mainly in the area of supervision of issuers (companies admitted to trading).
The debut was within the electronic supervision of transactions structure, as a specialized referent, respectively specialist.
Subsequently, he held the position of Head of Unit within the structure that ensures the supervision of issuers’ reporting obligations and shareholders’ rights requirements, Advisor to the President of the CNVM, Advisor to the Vice-President of A.S.F. – Financial Instruments and Investments Sector and Head of the Appeals/Complaints and Investor Protection Department.