Sebastian Mindroiu is an architect, interior designer and an expert in the field of hospitality, with a background of over 10 years in working with key market players in Romania. Besides his work as an architect he is a founding member in several companies from various fields.

In 2013 he became a founder and managing partner at PickTwo Studio, an architecture and interior design company based in Bucharest.

Since 2015 he is holding the position of Board Member and Design Coordinator at Stadio Hospitality Concepts, one of the largest hospitality management companies in Romania.

In 2016 he became a founding member of Restograf, a tech startup and online platform dedicated to the improvement of restaurant services and customer experiences in the hospitality world.

Sebastian completed his studies of Interior Architecture at the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture in Bucharest, Romania in 2011 and holds and Executive MBA at WU University in Vienna in 2022.
