Bucharest Forum 2017 – Conference Report
Jointly organized by the Aspen Institute Romania and the Bucharest Office of the German Marshall Fund of the US (GMFUS), Bucharest Forum enjoys a longstanding support of the Romanian Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and the Ministry of National Defense of Romania. It benefits from a diverse participation of foreign and Romanian government representatives, political figures, experts, media and think tank representatives, as well as business leaders.
14 Decembrie 2017•Written by Aspen Institute
The sixth edition of the Bucharest Forum took place between the 4th & 6th of October 2017 and offered a platform for various actors to discuss the implications and results of a dynamic international context, presenting different interests, approaches and goals. A select group of national and international leaders, policy experts, government officials, business executives and research organizations gathered in Bucharest for an open discussion towards issues such as economics, geopolitics and security.
The 6th edition of the Forum brought together more than 50 speakers from 22 different nations and the exceptional presence of world-class journalists, such as: Liz Claman – anchor at Fox Business News, Sam Burke – Business &Technology Correspondent at CNN, Steve Clemens – editor in chief of the Atlantic Live, Tim Judah from The Economist. As knowledge partners McKinsey & Co. and KPMG offered key insight to the conference that made it ideal for a substantiated and coherent debate.
The structure of the 2017 edition of the Forum was built around an overarching theme, Center and Periphery – Bridging the Divide, focusing on its economic, financial and societal implications.
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