Rețeaua Internațională Aspen
Aspen Global Network
Aspen Institute Romania is part of an international network of Aspen Institutes, comprised by the Aspen Institute US, Aspen Italia, Aspen France, Aspen Germany, Aspen Spain, Aspen Central Europe, Aspen Kyiv, Aspen Japan, Aspen India (Ananta Aspen Centre), Aspen Mexico, Aspen New Zealand, Aspen UK, Aspen Institute Africa Initiative and Aspen Colombia.
Aspen International Network
Within our global network, the other international Aspen Institute partners support leadership development and conduct independently developed and supported programs, conferences and seminars on region-specific issues and global challenges. Each partner works closely with the Aspen Institute US to develop unique programming and to stay true to a mission of values-based leadership and enlightened dialogue.
The Aspen Institute
The Aspen Institute is an educational and policy studies organization that focuses on discussion and inquiry on issues of global concern. Its mission is to foster leadership based on enduring values and to provide a nonpartisan platform for dealing with critical issues. The Aspen Institute offers leadership seminars, fellowship programs and policy studies. It was founded in 1950 and is headquartered in Washington, District of Columbia. The Institute has campuses in Aspen, Colorado, and on the Wye River on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, while it also maintains offices in New York City.
One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036-1133
202-736-5800 | 202-467-0790 (fax)
Aspen Institute Central Europe
Aspen Institute Central Europe is a nonpartisan platform for policy innovation and inclusive dialogue that facilitates exchange of ideas, fosters open society, and promotes values-based leadership. Based in Prague, the Institute operates across central Europe and focuses on strengthening interdisciplinary and regional cooperation. Activities are divided into leadership, policy, and public programs. One of the flagship programs is the Aspen Young Leaders Program, which supports emerging Central European leaders in their development. Aspen Institute Central Europe also publishes a quarterly magazine, Aspen Review.
Palackého 740/1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
+420 222 524 747
[email protected]
Aspen Institute España
Aspen Institute España, headquartered in Madrid, was incorporated as a foundation in December 2010. The Institute aims to promote social responsibility and contribute to the strengthening of civil society, providing a neutral forum for public dialogue and reflection through conferences, seminars, and roundtable discussions. In this pursuit, the Institute takes on the values, features, and goals of the Aspen model, adjusting them to the realities of the Spanish context and incorporating Spain’s close ties with other regions in Europe, Latin America, and the Mediterranean.
Calle Princesa 18, 1o Izq., 28008 Madrid, Spain
Ph: +34 91 758 37 57
[email protected]
Institut Aspen France
Institut Aspen France was founded in 1983 as a nonpartisan international center for discussion and dialogue. It provides a forum for debate by bringing together a wide array of prominent stakeholders: French and international decision- makers from the private and public sectors, academic experts, and political and civic leaders. These players bring to the table a wealth of perspectives to address some of the world’s most complex problems while reflecting on the concept of the common good. Aspen Institute France gatherings are meant to have an impact beyond the conference room: they are designed to inspire real-world action.
9 Avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt
75008 Paris – France
+33 1 81 69 55 30
[email protected]
Aspen Institute Germany
Aspen Institute Germany, founded in 1974 for the study and advancement of ideas related to major contemporary issues, is the oldest international Aspen center. The Institute seeks to address the challenges of the 21st century in areas such as global economic change, technological advancement, international security, and emerging leaders. Located in the heart of Berlin, Aspen Institute Germany convenes a diverse network of representatives from all sectors for discussion in leadership conferences and policy programs, as well as participation in the Aspen seminar and other leadership programs.
Friedrichstrasse 60, 10117, Berlin, Germany
Ph: +49 (0) 30 804 890 0
[email protected]
Ananta Aspen Centre
Ananta Aspen Centre is an independent and not-for-profit organization in India that seeks to foster positive change in society through dissemination of knowledge. The Centre facilitates discussions on issues of international significance, values-based leadership, and cross-sector outreach by engaging the civil society, government, private sector, and other key stakeholders.
IETE Building, Ground Floor,
2 Institutional Area, Lodi Road,
New Delhi-110003, India
+91 11 4754 1489
[email protected]
Aspen Institute Italia
Aspen Institute Italia is a leader in promoting enlightened dialogue in Europe and across the Atlantic, organizing several conferences, seminars, and roundtables each year on economics, business, politics, and security. Its quarterly journal, Aspenia, is read in Italy and abroad, and has been judged one of the world’s finest foreign affairs journals. Aspen Italia conferences gather prominent figures in every field thanks to its more than 300 international members. Aspen Italia focuses on the most important problems and challenges facing society in settings that encourage frank and open debate. The aim is not to reach unanimous agreement or reassuring conclusions but to bring to light the complexity of our world.
Piazza Navona 114, 00186 Roma, Italy
+39 06 4546891
[email protected]
Aspen Institute Japan
Aspen Institute Japan is a non-profit organization committed to enhancing values-based leadership in contemporary society. Evolved from the Tokyo liaison office of the Aspen
Institute and Aspen Institute Japan Council, AIJ was formally established in 1998. Its flagship program has been the Nippon Aspen Executive Seminar. The Institute offers three seminars annually, providing the leaders and future leaders of Japan with reflective experiences through moderator-led dialogue based on extensive readings of texts from both classic and contemporary authors and from the Western and non-Western world. In addition to the seminars, the Institute offers other executive seminars tailored to the needs of national and local government officials and young business executives. It also organizes periodic lecture programs for seminar alumni.
Harks Roppongi Bldg. 2F.
6-15-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0032 Japan
Aspen Institute Kyiv
Aspen Institute Kyiv, launched in November 2015, is dedicated to promoting values-based leadership in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. The Institute aims to nurture open dialogue among Ukrainian leaders facilitating the exchange of ideas that contribute to a good society and support and promote leadership in local, regional, and global contexts that will contribute to the integration of Ukrainian leaders into national, regional, and global dialogue. Among other activities, it has a well-established leadership program and is developing a number of programs.
Moskovska St, 2, Osvitoria Hub, Kyiv, Ukraine
[email protected]
Aspen Institute México
Aspen Institute México launched in March 2014 in Mexico City as a nonpartisan center for debate and discussion. One of its main objectives is to foster the development of young leaders and their networks, promoting the values and principles of democracy such as freedom, the rule of law, and economic efficiency; and to expand their relations with rising leaders from other countries in the region. The activities are divided into seminars, policy and public programs, and leadership initiatives.
Av. Ciudad Universitaria 298
Col. Jardines del Pedregal
México D.F. 01900
Tel: +52 (55) 5631-0592
Aspen New Zealand
Aspen New Zealand is a non-partisan and non-ideological body which embraces the mission of the Institute to foster enlightened leadership that can make a moral and intellectual contribution to the development of society in New Zealand and around the world. It will foster leadership based on enduring values and provide non-partisan forums for dealing with critical issues that matter to New Zealanders for all New Zealanders. Encouraging youth and diverse participation throughout New Zealand is a top priority. Aspen New Zealand plans to focus on climate change, technology, and inequality/intolerance, and to engage participants from a diversity of backgrounds, plus local and international topic experts.
7 Coronation Drive
Queenstown 9348
New Zealand
[email protected]
Aspen UK
Aspen UK is an independent, not for profit education body. It educates leaders from a cross section of the UK society, teaching them how to transform themselves and their society. It uses the unique Aspen method of text-based and professionally guided conversations, building the skills of the participants. From that process, leaders will play an active role in bridging UK’s political, social and cultural divides.
c/o Edelman UK
105 Victoria Street
London SW1E 6QT
+44 7367 949484
[email protected]